"The only new thing is that now we kiss. And will probably have sex at some point in the near future too." Beca said smirking.

"Ew," whispered Aubrey. "Just make sure that I don't have to hear it."

"You may not want to hear it in the moment, but you'll probably hear all about it after it happens," said Chloe with a wink. "You're still my best friend, after all."

"No thank you. Having to hear about your brief sexcapades with Tom was more than enough to last me a lifetime," Aubrey hastily replied. "I don't need to hear about the alt girl and her madlib beats doing funny things to you."

"You will anyway," Chloe said. "Because you love me, and that's what friends do."

"Oh joy," answered Aubrey sarcastically. "Can't wait."

Just then, a loud airhorn noise pierced the room, signaling to everyone that Lily had finished dinner. The girls all scrambled to their feet and headed in to the kitchen to scoop up their plates. Even though the girls were, for the most part, raised properly, when it came to food in the Bellas house it was every woman for her self. Even so, Chloe made no move to get up to go get food. Beca, sensing that she wanted to talk, also remained seated on the couch.

"Chlo, I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking and I—" Beca began, afraid that her new girlfriend was angry at her. Even though Chloe had not seemed angry at all, Beca thought that maybe she had just been waiting until they were alone to break up with her.

"Beca, it's okay. I promise," Chloe reassured her. "Remember, we're madly in love. It's alright to kiss me whenever you feel like it."

"Wait. You love me? For real?" Beca asked, nervous to hear the response.

"I love you. For real." Chloe repeated, kissing her softly. "You don't have to say it back, but just know that I do."

Thunderstruck, without really knowing what to say, Beca instead blurted out "You're such a nerd." Not wanting to hurt Chloe's feelings though, she quickly added, "But I love you too."

"Beca. If you don't actually mean it, you don't have to say it," Chloe said. "Like I said, it's okay. I know this is moving very fast right now. I didn't say it so you had to say it. I simply wanted to let you know that's how I feel."

"But I do mean it," Beca replied with a small smile coming across her face at the epiphany. "It terrifies me, but I do. I really, really do. I love you more than I thought I was even capable of."

"I take it you've had some time to process, then?" Chloe asked.

"Not really, but when the Bellas all responded so positively, I realized that I was more scared of myself, than anyone else. That's not to say I won't have my moments, but I'm pretty okay with things the way they are right now. Just be patient with me. Please?" she pleaded.

"Take all the time you need babe. We can take this however fast or slow you want to go. Like I keep saying, you're stuck with me for the rest of your life," Chloe said, sparking something in the back of Beca's brain.

"Will you share your life with me, for the next 10 life times? For a million summers, 'til the world explodes," Beca began to sing softly, referencing the movie they had watched the other day. Catching on, Chloe quickly picked up where Beca left off.

"Til there's no one left, who has ever known us apart. There are so many years I need to be with you," Chloe sang back, just as quietly.

Together, the two girls completed the song, and sealed it with a kiss, silently promising each other they would not end up like Cathy and Jamie, but would be their very own epic love story, that people would write about years later.

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