Alexis clicked on her next e-mail. It was actually an e-card. It had a picture of a cute cartoon porcupine with binoculars and the caption, "Don't forget." She opened the e-card and music started playing. She turned up her speakers. It was a song from the 80's by the Police. It was titled I'll be Watching You.

As they lyrics played, she couldn't help but feel a shudder run down her spine, "I'll be watching you? Great. It's the perfect anthem for a stalker." She flipped off her computer and took a deep breath. She wasn't sure if it was a string of coincidences or if it was the same person sending her messages but for now she was going to ignore it and hope that it stopped. If it didn't, she was going to have to get the authorities involved.

The Next Day

"Nicholas, I have some clients coming over today so make yourself scarce. Got it?"

"I still can't believe you let them know where you live," Nicholas said shaking his head in disbelief.

"Believe it or not, many psychologists and therapists treat clients out of their homes."

"Yeah...because they need to see a therapist themselves. You'd have to be crazy to let these people know where you live."

"Nicholas. These are couples looking for couple's therapy...not clients that have mental illnesses."

"So if you're married, you can't have schizophrenia? Is that what you're saying?"

Alexis gave him the stink eye, "Shut up. You know what I mean. Now go find something to do for an hour or two."

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay in case they get too rowdy? I could be your personal bouncer or something. I'll kick them out if they start fighting."

"Go!" Alexis was pushing a laughing Nicholas out the door.

Fifteen minutes later, Alexis' doorbell was ringing. It was Sylvia and Larry French. Alexis greeted them and brought them into her study which she used as her office to see clients in.

"Dr. Reyna. He's doing it again! He's been hiding in the closet." Sylvia was sitting as far away from Larry as she could.

Alexis took in Larry's wrinkled shirt and jeans. He was a stark contrast to Sylvia's pressed dress and heels. Alexis wasn't sure but she thought he even had a ketchup stain on his collar.

"Larry, is that true?"

Larry looked uncomfortable and fidgeted in his seat. He didn't want to admit to doing something embarrassing.

"Just tell her Larry! You like to hide in closets. Dr. Reyna," Sylvia put her hand up to shield her mouth and whispered, "Do you think this means Larry is secretly gay?"

"What?" Larry shot a quick glance to Dr. Reyna before chastising his wife, "I'm not gay Sylvia!"

Sylvia shrugged her shoulders.

"Sylvia," Dr. Reyna smiled, "Can you tell us what made you fall in love with Larry in the first place?"

"Hmmm...I don't remember really. He used to make me laugh all of the time and he was smart. He always was always a gentleman."

"That sounds great Sylvia. What about you Larry? What made you fall in love with Sylvia?"

Larry looked at his wife who was preening in front of him. "Well she's beautiful. She used to be really kind before we got rich...then she changed."

"Changed? How did I change Larry?"

Alexis cut them off before they began arguing again. She had watched them argue enough to learn their patterns and didn't need to witness anymore. "I'm going to give you each a journal to write in."

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