"Mrs.jackson please. I need to speak to you privately. follow me if you may"

I followed her down the hall to where it was more private.

"Your daughter has a concussion. it's not serious or anything but she is going to be unconscious for a couple of hours. all her tests came back good. were predicting she got light headed in the shower and fell so for the next few days we ask you keep a very close eye on her"
She tells me

"Of course doctor, is it okay if I go see her?" I asked

"Sure go on right ahead" she opens the door for me.

I walked in and took a seat right next to her. she looked as if she was sleeping and didn't have anything to worry about.

I grabbed her hand and held it tightly as kissed it.

A few hours passed and Erykah was slowly moving

"Mama" I she called softly m

"Yes baby I'm here, Mommy's here" I cooed to her

"Mama what happened?" She asks in a low whisper

"Baby you passed out. Your in the hospital" I tell her.

"Where's Eden?" she asked

"He's on his way with Patrick" I tell her but he rolled her eyes at the fact I mentioned him.

"He's a great guy, he's the one that called the ambulance when you passed out" I tell her

"I don't care about him. fuck him" she says

"Erykah watch your language! you promised me you would give him a chance!"

"Well promises break" she says cold heartedly.

"Oh good your awake. well Erykah we finally got all your results and there all good. you can go home and we advise you to take it easy though" the doctor comes posting her x rays on the screen

"Do you need my hel-"

"No" she cutts me off.

She gets up and balances her self but stumbles but I catch her

"I got it ma!" She sounded snappy

We walk slowly down the hall and and down to the emergency room to check out.

We walked through the front doors and Patrick pulled up just in time.

We all carefully got in the car and headed home

Patrick tried to make conversation once again with Erykah but she just kept giving him the cold shoulder. I was starting to get really fed up with it.

we arrived home safe and sound but when I walked through the door Erykah was back in her room locked.

I attempted to go to it but Patrick pulled me back and told me I should let her breathe and give her space.

I guess that's what's best

A few hours later after Patrick was just leaving Erykah came out her room but heading to the front door.

"Where are you going?" I asked her

"Greg's house" she says

"Erykah no. you just got out the hospital, you don't need to be moving all over the place like this." I tell her

"Ma I'm fine"

"I don't know about that Erykah! the doctors said you shouldn't be out so much." I walked over to her.

"It's just greg house!" she argued

"I don't care, I'm not letting you leave this house when you recently had a concussion, end of the conversation!" I tell her

She groaned and stormed off

She slammed the door and it left a loud echo noise causing Eden to cry.

I sighed and walked over to his play pin and picked him up and calmed him down

I honestly don't know what's gotten into her.

Maybe it's Patrick but all he's been doing is helping out and being there for us.

I hope she changes soon about him because I maybe considering him moving in.

*Erykah Pov

I absolutely wanted to scream at the top of my lungs about my mom and her strict decisions but im that wouldn't solve anything

All I wanted to do is go see my boyfriend because i miss him and I just wanted his company.

Feeling defeated I decided to just sleep it off.

I then found myself crying about the situation I'm put in.

A flash of what happened the other day still roamed my head.

How do you actually deal with this shit?!?

Hoped you like it and I hope you continue to support it!

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Thank you for reading though!

~corrections in progress

~take care

~xoxoxo Tyvia

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