Silent crying

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My mom knocked repeatedly on my door but I didn't answer.

"Erykah you ok in there?" my mom asked me.

I didn't say anything though. I just turned over and burried my face into my lavender pillows and continued crying.

She pick the locked and opened the door

"Hey sweety what's wrong?" She asked

"Nothing mama" I said in a cracky tone.

She kisses my forhead

"Patrick told me you been in here ever since you came home. you sure you ok?"

"I'm fine mama" I lied.

"Well I brought home pizza, it's your favorite. the four layer cheesy spice from dominoes"

"Not hungry"

She sighs.

"Did something happened at school?"

"NO MAMA IM FINE! OKAY?" I snapped at her.

She didn't say anything but just got up and left.

I didn't want to talk, eat, or see anyone nor did I wanted to be seen my anyone.

Greg called me multiple times but I didn't want to talk. I would just end up breaking down. I couldn't let him see me like this

I knew I couldn't let this beat me from getting my education so I had no choice but get ready for school.

I grabbed a pair of black sweats and a yellow hoodie. I grabbed my underclothes and got in.

I couldn't even stand up in there for 3 minutes.

I kept on having flashes of what happened last night.

I started seeing double and couldn't even maintain my balance

I ended up slipping and hitting my head on the bathroom tub. the shower curtains fell over and everything.

My mom kicked open the door and came rushing in.

"Call 911!!!" she screamed which sounded like echos.

"Erykah baby stay with me!" her voice felt so far.

I just blanked out

*Eveny Pov

Patrick came rushing in wondering what happened

"She fell, call the ambulance!!!" I screamed

He dodged down the hallway.

A couple of minutes later the paramedics came rushing in.

They wrapped her up in a towel's and put her on a long say stretcher

I had no choice but to miss work and go to the hospital with her. I didn't care though because when it involves my daughter that's when everything drops.

They brought her into the hospital and did immediately a cat scan on her brain.

Meanwhile I had to wait in the waiting room and tried to maintain my sanity.

What felt like hours was minutes and I was nearly loosing my danm mind.

"Erykah" I heard a woman called

"Thank god" I said to myself and rushed over to where she was standing

"How is she? is she ok? Can I go see her? Is-"

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