Chap. 1

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You wake up to find yourself in a chair in a room that looks like the hospital your in. Well something seems off. There's a view of the moon but you notice that it's fake. You look around the rest of the room and see a camera. You see a door and decide to go throw it cause where else are you gonna go. You look around and it's a hallway with an incredibly eerie tone.

(Your perspective)
"This is not a fuckin hospital"
I look around at where ever I am and keep going down the hall fully aware of my surroundings. I notice a gate, it looks like I can't climb the fence so I better look around some more. As I'm looking around not only do I see another door but a note on the wall.
I yell this to the camera not thinking much of it. I can't really think straight cause this is a lot to process but I know that I'm getting out of here. I read what's on the wall

Who art thou?
To know, thou must find out for thyself.
Is it thine true self? Or thine desired self?
An angel?
A sacrifice?
Know thy self and the gate shalt open.

Ummm ok then? That was... interesting I guess. I went inside the room only to find a typewriter of all things. Why is this here? Why am I here? Then it starts typing. WAIT WAIT WAIT WHAT?! I don't know how but it literally just typed What's your name?

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to type it or say it but maybe if I say it.

"(Y/N) (L/N)"

It types again; this time saying Why are you here?

"I'm trying to figure that out, I remember being at a hospital."


"Do you really wanna find out?"



Why were you in the hospital?

"I saw some people die. I saw them get murdered and I was at the hospital for counseling."

Even though I'm answering questions I'm still confused as to why I'm here in the first place.

"I just want to leave and go home to my family"

I hear a buzz behind me and turn around as fast as I could. I got ready to fight someone but then I realized it was just the gate opening. Given the situation I'm in I don't blame myself for my reflexes. I walk through the gate absolutely terrified. Wait a second this is an elevator. And it only goes up. IS THIS HEAVEN! Just as I finished that thought a speaker came up with a women saying, The girl on the bottom level has been selected as a sacrifice. Please begin preparations on each floor.

Yeah sacrifice my ass. I'm not dying without a fight. I'm terrified not gonna lie. If something pops up in front of me I'm gonna be scared shit less. But I know that I can protect myself from what's in store.

As the elevator goes up I can't stop thinking of what's to come. Is it safer to stay in the elevator? Is what I'm facing even life risking? Of course it is I'm supposed to be a sacrifice for crying out loud GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER! I swear I'm losing my mind right now as I'm arguing with myself. I take a deep breath as the elevator opens and I enter my living hell..

Zack X Reader (Angels of death)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant