Chapter 26. The Understanding

Start from the beginning

He sat silently while I watched his chest rise and fall like normal. Ron's hands gripped his knees and he nodded.

"I hear you" He responded. I reached over and opened my glove compartment where I fetched the blunt I'd rolled for him out.

Aaron took it from me and placed it between his lips before grabbing the lighter out and lit it up.

I made sure I took the lighter back from him before pulling out of the parking space.

"I feel like I have a different out look on life you know? I just feel so different, very creative. I wanna restart my comic books, I'm done talking about it and putting it off to the side. I'm going to finish off this semester in college and then take a break because my grades are starting to drop and that's not a good look" Aaron explained through puffs of his blunt.

"You were much happier when you were working on that shit. I'm happy to hear you talking about it again" I responded continuing to watch the road.

"If one day you feel like you can't handle this or handle me, just let me know. You have to put Sienna first and I'd be okay if you chose to leave for her" Aaron said slowly.

My grip on the steering wheel loosened a bit as I made a turn and tried to avoid letting my frustration show.

"Nobody is fucking leaving! You're going to get help and we're going to be a fucking family wether you want to or not!" I snapped.

"So I don't have a choice in the matter?" Aaron questioned and I could feel his eyes on me.

"No nigga you don't. This is fate, it is what it is man, so please just get help. You must want to see me cry, yeah?" I asked glancing at him briefly before looking back at the road.

But even though my glance was quick I could see the corners of his mouth turn up almost into a smile before he realized he was about to smile and played it off.

"How did you get Camry to sign over her rights to Sienna?" Ron questioned.

"I paid her, you know hoes can't resist money" I said attempting to avoid saying how much I paid her.

"Yeah but how much did it take?" Aaron questioned as I stopped at a red light.

"Ten million" I muttered looking over at him. His eyes widened and he looked over at me in shock.

"Are we broke now? What are we gonna do?" He stressed.

"I'm not a broke boy Ron. We have money just not a lot right now, but enough to live comfortable for a little while, I told Angelo I'd take on being his right hand if he helped me out a little bit. You know he's been stressed because he feels like he can't trust anybody in the drug world, so I figured I'd return the favor and have his back like he always has mine" I explained.

I was shocked when Aaron placed his hand on my cheek and gently rubbed on it before I kissed the back of his hand.

"Just please be careful" He begged. I nodded and he dropped his hand back down onto his lap.

We stopped by a restaurant and ordered some meals to go. It took almost an hour to get back to the new spot and Aaron watched the roads very closely to try and figure out where we were.

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