Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

"wait, don't go." I said to the unknown person who was running away. for some reason I don't know why I'm following him. he turns around, but I can't see his face because it was dark, darkness surrounded both of us. he walks towards me and says.

"Wake up. wake up!" Suddenly when he said that, I felt like someone is moving me back and forth. I open my eyes I notice my sister, Hanna. It's weird of how I dreamed about a boy, well he seemed-- well I don't know but I didn't quite see his face, but I'm sure I've never seen him.

"Wake up,wake up, Diana, you're late." Hanna said moving me again, and again, and again.

Thump!! uhh that bitch pushed me down. she deserves to pay. when I'm trying to stand up. Pain starts and I hear Hanna's thoughts.

She's wasting my time, why she has to be so lazy.

Wow is she really saying that. I refuse to hear her other thoughts, and then the pain goes away. I'm getting good at this.I get up and I noticed that Hanna wasn't in my room. that means I can also hear thoughts from far. I should have known that because I been hearing peoples thoughts everywhere I go. the only thing that stops the pain go away is music. I look at my watch that's on the nightstand and It says 7:50 a.m. well I take a whole hour to get prepared for school. School starts until 8:35.

I take a shower dress up. brush teeth. do hair. daily things you have to do. lastly thing on my daily list is that I hear people thoughts, out of no where. I prepare for the worst, but it mostly doesn't hurt anymore. I have the control it.

Where's Diana, it's already 8:28.

I heard my moms thoughts.

" Diana hurry up." my mom said. Before she said that I had my bag and my phone. I was already going downstairs.

"I'm here mum." I said grabbing an apple from the kitchen. I bite on it and I struggle saying the two words when I was chewing on the piece I bit. " bye mom." I waved goodbye to her and I left. I looked for Hanna, but she already left me. Typical Hanna. I check my phone and it's 8:32. I'm going to be late anyways.I sigh, I run and i get to the corner of the street until i bumped into someone carrying a box of.... Clothe. really im late for school, and this happens.

"im so sorry. im so clumsy." i smile,and i see his face. It's feels like I've known him from somewhere, I'm sure but I don't remember where, but I remember I've seen him today before. He's face is gorgeous! what made me stop daydreaming was something. his thoughts.

Wow. she looks beautiful than I thought, but I don't know her name.

His thoughts.

I blush when I heard his thoughts but what he meant about 'beautiful than I thought' as soon I heard that I stopped, because it would be mean and taking advantage.

"My name is Diana. Yours?" as I said that I was picking a white shirt. he touched my hand, and I felt a weird vibe from him. it's was kind of like 'death' or something, but it was cold.

"My name is Josh." he said, and walked away. that's strange, he just walked away. I try to read his mind and I hear.

She can't know, does she know something?

What does he mean about that. that's strange. I check the time once again and I see it's 8:39.

Just one more street. It's not that far. only two streets. I realize i still have his white t-shirt.I think of what he thought.

She can't know, does she know something?

What did Josh mean by that. I have to know. He's mysterious.


Hoped you liked it.

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M.D.S (my dark secret)

XOX 💕☺️

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