Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

I stare to the person across the hall and it's, Josh. wait he's coming to this school? he was acting all strange. then I remember he's thought.

She can't know, does she know something?

What did he mean.

"Give it back to her, I said." josh said as he was walking closer to Ashton.

"What are you going to do about it hmm." he chuckled.

"This." josh said, and punches him and pushes him toward the locker.

"Give it back to her." he said holding Ashton's shirt collar.

"Okay, but watch ,I will come back." Ashton said handing josh my journal and left.

" You okay?" he said giving me my journal.

" Yea I'm alright. Thank you josh." I sigh.

She can't know. I heard his thoughts. What does he mean about that. I have to know.

"So, you new around here?" I questioned with a smile.

"Yea. I think have science right now." as he said that he takes out a piece of paper, probably the schedule. "Yep, I do."

" We have the same class now." I said walking to the class. "C'mon josh." I said grabbing his hand. his hands were solid cold. it was just weird, but then it they got warmer. strange.

"alright Diana." he smiled.


-later In class-

Me and Katherine have science together too. I hope I have her as my partner. my phone vibrates, I check who texted me. Katherine. I see the message.

Katherine: new boy is staring at u. Cx

I blush as I read it. She didn't know that I met the new boy, which was josh. but he was so cute.

" Alex and savanna." Mr.Pullman says.

"Diana and." please not Ashton, yep he was in my class too. "Josh."

Weird, because I'm always Katherine's partner. oh well.

" All of you will work on this assignment today, which will require a helper and the recorder." blah.blah.blah that's all that I hear.

We finished the assignment, and I, well mostly josh did the whole thing.


I sat with Katherine as always and Tyler sat with us. I totally forgot to tell Katherine about my secret. I look around and I see josh smiling at me, and i blush and I stare down at the table. "so whats with you and the new kid? hmm diana?" Katherine said. "come with me to the bathroom." i said to her, i wasnt going to tell her whats going in between with me and josh, which we dont have anything, i was going to tell her about my darkest secret. i hope she wont react like Tyler did, this morning. i sigh and we head to the bathroom.


What do you think?

Xox 🐢✨

My dark secret≫ not editedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें