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 Sector 1 is not one singular part or place, but two, with inhabitants that live bipolar lives. The rich bathe in money and jewels, while the poor squabble and fight over measly pennies. The important have access to government buildings, while the poor struggle to maintain access to a warm bed. The well-known waited upon on hand and foot, while the unnecessary become as relevant as the gum on the bottom of a shoe. While Sector 1 isn't physically split, everyone knows who belongs where. It is never said that you don't belong, everyone knows, and this is because of the drastic differences between the two parts.

In the pleasant part, a leaf blows across lawns of grass green so bright that it almost hurts to look at. Lawns whose detail shows not a blade of grass out of place, nor the root of a misgrown weed. On top of the grasses sit homes as glamorous as the White House, some say. Perfect homes with perfect inhabitants and corresponding perfect white picket fences.

Across the not-so pleasant part, an old newspaper blows and billows across the grimy street before getting caught in a puddle made of a red substance that isn't Kool-Aid. The houses around this area are almost nonexistent, and the ones that do exist, are dust-ridden, burned in places, and well, just bad looking. The population is few — consisting of mostly the tumbleweeds. Most of the used to be residents live in dark eerie alleyways on a journey trying to make their way to the other Sector 1. The better Sector 1. Hoping to somehow fit in, but little do they know, it's nearly impossible.

In the center of it all is Live Corporation, the sector's main office, and its leader is Luke Howard. Luke is a family man, but don't be misled, he knows exactly what he wants and how to get it; no matter the consequences or the lives destroyed.

Outlining the Sector lies a wall of sorts, only, this wall is more like a barricade. No one has ever escaped, or so that's what is advertised. Ten heavily armed, and overly intimidating guards stand at every twenty feet along the long length of the enclosure. Behind the guards are pieces of information only known by Luke Howard, and the other seven Sector leaders.

The barrier is supposedly for protection against outer forces. Of what kind? No one knows, especially because all that's said to be beyond the wall, is the other Sectors. Many believe this fact, as that's what's expected, but there are a few others who believe that the wall is a type of mass secretive imprisonment. They believe that the wall is a way of holding people captive. A way of keeping the people from seeing what's really out there.

Justin Cooper is a guy who girls literally trip over themselves to meet. His dirty blonde hair cut short that always seems to be covering his eyes. Not to mention, tan skin covers a lean yet muscular body that tends to be covered by a sweatshirt, sweatpants and a slouch. The only inviting detail about him is his pine tree-like green eyes that can entrance anyone.

Justin is a keep-to-yourself, down to earth kind of guy. When living in a rich part of town, there is nothing that you could want extra. Except for family. After a tragedy occurs losing him his family, Justin is stuck with the Howard's, will he be able to trust again?

Justin's not so well concealed bitterness is a factor hard to look over. His pretty boy looks make him seem like a player, but the opposite is true for this grumpy boy.

Tanya Smith is a girl who is one with the shadows. Roughly cut shoulder length hair that used to run like a raven river outlines her narrow, malnourished face and with the baby fat went her beautiful smile that never sees the light of day. Her attitude is something that many people find, how do you say, unattractive.

Tanya is a sly girl in a cruel world. Being disowned by her parents at a young age, she has learned to fend for herself. She has also learned not to trust anyone.

Justin and Tanya are both outsiders to their world. They also share something in common, a scar. About three inches long behind the left ear. A coincidence, or a related occurrence. Inside Sector 1 it's hard to tell the difference.

17 years ago, a population boost caused the US to split into different sectors. The blame for such separation is force on the shoulders of the young. There are 8 sectors, but only one can be the business sector, only one can be Sector 1.

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