"Alright, sunshine. Come on over here," he speaks into the intercom.

Harry is quick as he shuffles out the booth, opening the door and near crashing in to Louis' body. He scrambles on to his lap, body wrapped around him like a koala, arms and legs hugging every inch and curve that he can. That's when all the tears start pouring out, dripping down Louis' neck and getting all over the collar of his shirt.

Louis shushes him softly, hands rubbing up and down his back and doing his best not to laugh. He's always been deemed the dramatic one, but now it might seem as if Harry's claiming that title right now.

"Harry, what on earth are you bloody crying for?" Louis slides his hand underneath Harry's shirt.

"Because," he whispers into his neck, sniffling, pulling back just a little to look at his husband. His smile is wet and snotty, but Louis' fingers trace lightly down the curve of his jaw, staring back at him like he's the most beautiful thing in the world. Harry doesn't hesitate to use the collar of his shirt to wipe away that snot. Louis doesn't mind. "Louis, the song is beautiful. You don't understand how much it means to me that you feel this way about us - about me."

Louis' entire face softens. "Well, bug. I don't think you realize how much I love you."

"I love you."

Louis chuckles, kissing the tip of Harry's nose.

"You're my home, Louis. Always."

"You're quite emotional, love," Louis teases, now carding his fingers through the boy's curls, scratching at the back of his head. He rests his hand flat against his neck, comforting him. "Not pregnant, are you?"

Harry cackles, body curving in to his as he places a kiss to the side of Louis' neck. "I'm not. You know I cry over anything."

"That I do, love." He kisses Harry's head. "You know you'll have to sing the song once without stopping, right?"

Harry groans pathetically as he places his hands on top of his husbands shoulders, balancing himself on top his lap. He wiggles around just because, smirking when Louis hisses. "The song makes me emotional. Quite hard to not cry when you write something so beautiful."

"Babe, you're grinding on my lap. Seems more like you're horny over anything."

Harry smirks, stilling his hips. "Sorry. Anything you do makes me get this way." Louis rolls his eyes. "For the record, I got emotion when I wrote and recorded If I could Fly. Something else that's related to you."

"Seems like if you could fly, it would be home, eh?"

"If I could fly home," Harry recites, nibbling on his bottom lip. "It fits together."

"Our songs are a perfect match then." Louis angles up to kiss his lips softly. "Kind of like us."

Harry draws him back in for another kiss with his arms going around his neck, pulling him in. The privacy of the room allows them to go all in, angling their heads and deepening the kiss. It's slick and wet, and the taste of this mornings smoothie still lingers in the traces of Harry's mouth. Louis licks it all in, savoring his flavor, kissing him dirty and drawing weak whimpers from the boy.

His hands roam up and down Harry's back, tracing light patterns along the smoothness of his skin. They settle at the dip of his spine, pulling him forward, weighing heavy and hard on top of his lap. Harry wiggles again, grinding down, breathing shakily as he feels the twitch of Louis' cock between the layers of clothes of their flushed bodies. Louis' hands cast lower, fingertips sneaking into the pack of Harry's jeans and pressing in to his ass, drawing out another high pitched moan.

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