Chapter 9

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Minutes pass. Almost feels like hours with the way Louis is pacing back and forth in Harry's dressing room. The concert is still rolling, the last song now being played, and Harry's voice ringing through the arena. Louis can hear it so clearly, so loud, the only thing running in between his ears. It doesn't help calm him at all, only furthers the inner turmoil that is going on inside him.

The thing about the new song is that Harry wrote it. Within a week of being home. He wrote it and used Louis' recording studio to complete it. This wasn't a song that had taken months of preparing for. The truth behind the song is that he came home, he spent time with family and friends, and he saw his ex-boyfriend again. After three years, and this is the product of everything. It's about him - about his relationship with Louis.

How the hell is he supposed to recover after that? There are so many things still left unsaid between them, so many lingering thoughts and feelings. This one song simply confuses it all, creating a tangled mess of all things Louis never got closure on.

The show had been wonderful. Lovely. Harry is a performer. But his songs. His lyrics. There are things about it that Louis cannot understand, cannot decipher the ulterior meaning behind certain words and themes of the songs. Everything was personal and from experience, some tied to him and their past and some tied to the new life Harry is living. It's all concerning and intriguing, but overall, he's fucking confused about it.

Once Harry finishes, Louis has a heart stopping moment when he realizes they are about to see each other. The band is still closing off with the final cords of the song, and the crowd is cheering loudly. Harry's voice is heard echoing down the hall, his heels clicking and ringing a loud sound into the room Louis is hiding in. His back is currently to the door, and he stops his pacing long enough to catch his breath, staring at a box of rings resting atop the vanity that's at the far end of the room.

What if all the rings he's ever bought for the boy are there? What if ...

The door opening cuts through his thoughts, all concerns about the blue Zircon ring long gone. Instead, Louis stiffens, his nose infiltrated with the strong scent of honeydew and rosewater, Harry's wonderful smell. Looking up, Louis catches his eye in the reflection of the mirror, calculating his moves, watching as he steps through the room towards the vanity in front. He removes his ear piece, setting it in the drawer and withdrawing all the rings he's currently wearing on his fingers. No blue zircon ring seen yet.

"Quite the show," Louis starts with, swallowing, breath hitching when Harry turns around. His lips are tightly pressed together, green eyes unsure as they glance down to the ground, his shoes crossing over one another. Louis can tell that he's nervous, and quite frankly, he feels pretty nervous too. He's not so sure how to go about this, how to get the details about the new song he sung tonight. "You have some solid bops."

Harry's lip twitch, but it's shy of a smile. He tucks a stray piece of hair behind his ear before crossing his arms over his chest. "What'd you think of them?"

"Lyrically?" Louis checks, waiting for Harry's nod. "Well," pursing his lips, Louis strolls around the couches, keeping his eyes locked on Harry's frame. "Where do Broken Hearts Go is a stellar opening song. Lyrics allude to a break up, not sure how to move on from it. Kind of like Happily, always thinking about what the other is doing since the break up, I suppose?"

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