23. The Brotherhood

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The next day i go with Nik to the Mystic Grill and sit at the bar were he has a drink in his hand and i also do after Nik’s constant asking. I see Rebekah trying to give Matt keys to a car, but he just tells her to basically leave him alone making Nik speak up, “your trying to hard.”

“Shut up,” Rebekah growls, “and i thought i was dead to you.”

I stand up and move in between the both of them before they could possibly go at each other, “i don't know what happened between you two, but it needs to stop, now,” i say looking between the two, “that last time i checked we have a small issue in this town.”

“What so you mean issue?” Rebekah questions.

“The brotherhood of the five still exists,” Nik says finishing his drink and standing up.


“And just like that bygones, come on love's, work to do,” with that Nik walks away.

“We don't have to do anything, there is no we. I don't care about The Five and i don't care about you Nik,” Rebekah shoots at him and i sigh knowing that she is going to be no help.

“If that’s what you wish Rebekah,” i say with a nod before leaving with Nik. I drive us back to the mansion where we go to check on Connor to make sure he wasn't dead which he wasn't.

“I can't believe you were chosen,” Connor groans out to me.

“No not really, i have the original vampire hunters blood coursing through my veins at every second of everyday,” i tell him as i see Mikael’s ghost appear and i smile a little, “my grandfather was the original hunter that never had the mark,” i could see Mikael smile at this then his face goes sirius and so does mine as i focus my attention on him.

“The hunters cures, it will still faze you, just not as bad as anyone else. It will be like a nightmare every night instead of 24/7,” Mikael says, “you beat it once and you won't have to beat it completely again.”

“Okay,” i say unconsciously until i feel Nik’s eyes on me and when i look at him he understands.

We both then hear someone walking through the house and i know who it is and i know he does also, “guess i’ll have to beef up the hybrid security detail,” Nik says and with that i roll my eyes and turn to leave.

“I'm not going to stay for this conversation, i'm going to find Elena,” i say walking out of the room ignoring Stefan question of why. To be honest i'm not going to look for her i'm going to just wander around town for awhile since i really have nothing better to do with my life and i need some time to myself. All this talk about the brotherhood of the five is bringing up memories of my first love, Claude, he was one of Alexander’s brothers, he cared for me, i knew he did truly. He was crying and telling me how sorry he was before he stabbed me in the heart. Of crouse the dagger never actually fazed me, that’s how i learned that it didn’t. The only reason why Nik didn't find me then was because Claude pulled the dagger out of my chest and told me to run and don't turn back and i did without a second thought. The next day word got to me that him and his brothers were slaughtered in the night.

Unconsciously i speed back to the house and walk in, but am snapped out of my thoughts when i hear “My sister's boyfriend threw a slumber party that night. He and his brothers put us all down in our sleep. Elijah, Kol, Finn, and me.”

“You weren't the only one that got put down that night uncle Nik,” i say grabbing his glass and drink some as i slump down in the seat next to him, “dearest Alexander did have four brothers all of which were all very forthcoming when it came to me, Alexander probably would have been also, but by time i came around he was already infatuated with Rebekah.”

“What’s the point of this?” Stefan asks and i roll my eyes.

“Much like Rebekah i played into their charm, i was stupid then, but you also have to counter in that i was only in my early thirties then and i played off the, ‘trapped little girl’ persona all to well. Yet i fell for the youngest brother, Claude, he did the same to me,” i pause looking over at Nik and i knew he was going to make some comment about it being a lie, but i cut him off, “it was true, i could sense it. Not to mention when he put that dagger through my heart he was crying and saying how sorry he was to do it,” i turn back to the drink i took out of my uncles hand, “it was then that i learned the daggers don't work on me, i was getting ready to pull it out of my chest when Claude did it for me. He told me to run as far as fast as i could from that place, to not look back, to not stop at any time. I did, i went and grabbed my brother and mother and ran out of fear that i wouldn't just have Alexander, but the entire brotherhood coming after me. It got to the point that in the middle of the night they had to stop to rest and gather their thoughts and i took off without them. It was the following day that i heard that the five were slaughtered in the night, i knew i would be safe, that my family would be safe. That is until the witches came and told me that you, uncle Nik, had killed them and now you were going to suffer for killing all of them.”

“See i'm not the only one,” Rebekah says.

“Cheers to the both of yours uncanny ability to choose men,” Nik says picking up another glass.

“Last time i checked i've had a pretty good track record with guys,” i say looking at Nik which ignores me as he starts picking on Rebekah, asking her what Alexander told her the map leads to and she answers but i already know the answer, Claude had told me. I ignore their conversations as i drink the rest of Nik’s bourbon that he had in the cup as Nik brings Jeremy into the room then sends him to sketch the hunters mark and eventually Rebekah and Stefan leave. I sit alone for a while before getting up and heading up to my room changing before laying down in bed having a feeling tonight's going to be a restless night and it was true. I couldn't fall asleep even after Josh came into the room and fell asleep next to me.

I was worried about my father, even though it had only been about a day since i’ve seen him, but for some reason its felt like weeks. I get up and walk out of my room and into my father's knowing no one would be in there. I could sense him immediately and i feel slightly relieved but not completely so i walk over to his bed and lay down on top of the covers taking in his scent. I know many may call me crazy for doing this, but i'm loyal and i feel a need to protect my family even if I don't know where they are. After a couple minutes i feel at ease and fall asleep knowing that no matter where my father is at i will have a piece of him and he will have a piece of me

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