17. Mikael

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I wake up early and go down stairs to see Nik and Elijah planning stuff out for the ball and it seems lie they are arguing about who is going to be the waiters. Nik was saying just compel someone as Elijah was saying about just hiring people, “why don't i just call up some of my hybrids to do it?” i ask walking into the room, “they mise as well be compelled since they are semi recent turns and they haven't broke the sire bond yet.”

“How many are there?” Nik asks making me roll my eyes.

“Probably about 23, not counting Rosa, Bash and Xavier which i expect to be attending as guest not servants.”

“That would be plenty of people,” Elijah says, “now, are we going to invite the entire town or just a few people?”

“With it being tonight, the entire town plus i know some people close by that can most likely show up,” i offer and they nod so i pull out my phone as i start texting the people i was talking about getting some conformations and some people saying no. That’s when it hit me that i could text Kol.

Elisha: Hey Kol got a question

Kol: Yeah what's up El?

Elisha: The Mikaelsons are having a ball and, well, we can't have a Mikaelson ball without all living Mikaelsons. So will you come back to Mystic Falls to be a guest at the ball?

Kol: As much as i would love to, i hate balls

Elisha: Please for me?

Kol: I really don't want to El.

Elisha: Would you be willing to come if i got a nice human girl to show up for you?

Kol: What time is the ball?

Elisha: Just get here as soon as you can

Kol: I’ll be there in about 4 hours

I smile at my phone knowing that i won as i text one of the girls that Josh worked with knowing that she will love my uncle and that he will think that her blood will taste wonderful. She responds quickly saying that she would love to but she would have nothing to wear so i assure her that i will have something for her that all she has to do is come to the mansion which i gave her the address to. She said that she could be there when she got off work which was going to be around noon so about 2 and i told her that that would be chill. After our conversation i call my hybrids letting them know that they are needed at the mansion and when to be here, they of course agreed before our conversation ended.

I walk into the living room again to see my father, uncle, and aunt all standing around a table discussing something so i walk over to them knowing that it’s probably something about the ball, “do you honestly think this is a good idea with the witch in search of father?” Rebekah asks.

“Yes, very much so,” i say making myself noticed, “this is exactly what we need after everything with Esther, not to mention we have royalty that will be staying here, mise as well welcome him to the town.”

“What do you mean?” Rebekah asks.

“Oh, you weren’t here when Xavier was introduced,” Nik says with a small smile, “you see our niece has brought a new hybrid from Britain that happens to be apart of the royal family. He might be a little hungry and what better way to get i'm acquainted with the locals to see who he can feed on then a ball with them all here?”

“Uncle Nik, i'm going to snap your neck if you make another comment like that,” i say looking at him, “This is to show him how to not be like you in a setting and be cocky when there are people over him. Not to mention, he needs to know who he can trust in this town other than us since he won't be following me around 24/7,” i say and i can see i shut him up real quick with this which makes me turn back to Rebekah, “now go and find a date or i will have to set you up with someone, which you may or may not want to kill by the end of the night,” she smiles at this and walks away and i turn to my uncle and father, “you two should also find someone, but if you don't oh well, just don't kill anyone tonight,” i look directly at my uncle when i say this and he looks at me with a face that says not to question him but his eyes say that he understands. I turn to walk out of the room but stop at the door, “my guys will be over here around noon, and one of Josh’s co-workers should be here about two, so please don't kill her,” i then leave the room heading up to my own room finding the dress i wore to the ball in Buckingham Palace laying it along with the shoes and my makeup before heading back down stairs where i find Josh.

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