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Agana Ke Ola Lupin.

That is my name.

My suckish name.

My first name means blood.

My middle is Hawaiian for..... vampire.

That's what I am.

A vampire.

I was born a vampire, from clan blood moon in Britain.

I was shunned when the clan wanted a boy, not a girl.

So I was helped by Dumbledore, he helped me find a home. It was no easy task.

There is more prejudice for vampires than werewolves, as an example.

I was brought to the Lupin family.

That's where the last name came from.

I'm 5 years old and I love playing with Remus!

Especially when he can see past the monster.

He knows very well I could bite him or turn him at any moment, yet he still wants to being around me.

I've never understood why.

Remus P.O.V

That's why I like to be around her.


Though I hate the pain she has to go through.

She's incapable of consuming human food!

We learned that the hard way...

She will have a severe allergic reaction.

She can't even eat chocolate!

If I couldn't I would die!

She can't be in the sun.

It could literally kill her.

But I don't care, she's still kinda my sister!


That's all she'll ever be....


~~~That night~~~
Third person P.O.V

Fenrir wanted revenge for what Lyle Lupin said against werewolves.

It was the full moon, he was going to bite his son.

It wasn't common knowledge that the Lupins had an adoptive daughter named Agana.

Because while he hid it well, he still had his prejudices against vampires.

The werewolf was going to do it, but someone stopped him.

Fenrir was about to bite the sleeping Lupin's arm when Agana, or Ana as she liked to be called pushed Remus away, wakeing him up, and receiving the bite herself.

Before Fenrir could bite the boy too, the girl scared him away forever with her fangs.

Ana was exhausted, bleeding. She protected her favorite person in the world. Protected someone she would give everything, even her life for.

Her vision went black.

Remus cried and sobbed, trying to shake his vampire friend awake while clinging her body to his.

"Ana? ANA! Wake up! Please! WAKE UP!"

Lyle and Hope Lupin heard their son's  cries and ran to his room, horror stretched across their faces.

Hope tried to restrict Remus from clinging to Ana, as he had done moments before, while her husband did what he could to make sure she would live.

"I swear if these two don't end up marrying each other..." , Hope tsked in her head.

Lyle did what he could and layed the unconscious body of Ana on the bed.

Remus finally broke out of his mother's grip and cuddled next to her, falling asleep instantly, but just before muttering:

"I'll always protect you".

Though unaware to the five year old boy, this girl saved him in a way.

If this girl didn't intervene, he would have been plagued with lycanthropy.

Something she would have done a million times over if she could.

Because even though they wouldn't realize for years to come, they loved each other in a way nobody could imagine.

Childhood friends, turned more.

A vampire/werewolf/witch and a wizard?

Who saw that coming?

The Bloody Beast (True Blood Crossover/Remus Lupin Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora