Chapter 5

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I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes , it was pretty uncomfortable since I was in a tree house . I sat up to see max on his game and Mia on her phone .   " look who's up " Mia says.  " hey guys how was your sleep " I ask   " well let me guess I was stuck here sleeping In a treehouse knowing there's a creepy man waiting to hurt me and my friend so yes Maddie I slept great .

(Btw Maddie is her nick name )

" way to be sarcastic Mia I say with annoyance in my voice . " well we have school Maddie we can't stay in this treehouse all day " Mia says , she notices me getting scared , " Maddie it's ok I got you don't be scared " she says with a slight smile letting me know it's ok .  We get up and get max and we all go towards the house looking in the windows to see if the cost is clear .

" it's clear I say and we walk into my room and max sits down on my bed while Mia's on the other side of it .
Max already puts on his School clothes and me and Mia do too and we head downstairs and wait for the bus . 

We all go outside and walk into the bus and wait till we get up and walk out the bus into our school and I get worried as I think about max being by himself at school, I mean I know he has friends but I just don't want him to get hurt .

I walk into 1th period late as usual , " miss Maddison your late again what's the excuse now" my teacher says , " I'm sorry I won't be late again I just got caught up with time I lied as i sat down in my seat . " today we're gonna learn about the 50% of the Pacific Ocean that hasn't been seen , to be honest I wasn't listening to anything the teacher was saying I was to worried about my little brother.

Maddison is there a problem I heard the teacher say . I looked up , " oh no there's nothing wrong there's no problem " I say a little nervous. The bell rings and I walk out alongside Mia . " we need to go pick up max " I said. " you do realize we're skipping school right " Mia says looking around to see if anyone heard our conversation.

" when since do you care about skipping school " I ask . " yeah you right let's go " she says laughing.  We walk into Max's classroom and walk to the front . " hey miss corson we're here to pick up max " I say , max picks up his backpack and we walk to the front desk and I sign  him out and we walk out the front door .

We walk towards the house to see my mom and dads car parked in the driveway and I start to get nervous because I know what's about to happen . I walk into the door and see my mom and dad sitting with mad expressions on there faces . " Maddison what is this"  my moms says holding an envelope with a letter from the teacher , " READ IT she's says scaring me ,   

"Hello miss Karen I am Maddie 's teacher and I am informing you to check on Maddie's behavior she has been skipping school nonstop and not paying attention in school she has been failing test and not being a very nice person and has been lying to me I hope you can get her back to her old self thank you have a great day " I said getting nervous and closing the envelope.

" so you skipping school now thinking you grown and not paying attention in school , you failing and you being disrespectful, I don't know who you think you is but you not grown , you live in my house so you gon go by my rules , if I see you skipping school again you better pray to heaven above cuz it's not gon be nothing pretty  she says and turns to walk away but turns back around .

" and you grounded , the only place you better be going is to school " she says and I walk towards my dad , " daddy I say sad . " GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW MADDISON " he says mad , " daddy " I say . " I don't wanna hear it Maddison " he says while pointing to upstairs . I get up and walk towards my room and get under the cover and fall asleep.

You guys enjoyed this chapter there's so much to come 😘.

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