Chapter 2

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                     The whisper man

              I looked at the students with confusion drawn across my face at the laughter going on around me .

       "What's so funny" I said before sitting down in my assigned seat , soon as it gets quite confusion fills my face once again as I wonder what just happened, it's probably nothing I think to myself , as I'm thinking of the accident that just occurred I get interrupted by a voice that sounds like a girl .

"So your new here " the girl said , " yeah it's my first day" I reply back  " have you heard of the whisper man " she says , "um no who's that's "  I said . " well I heard he's a man that comes in your bed room and get in your head to whisper your hardest times or tragedy's and use them against you " when she says that a look of terror and fright enters my face .

" do you think he's real" I ask , " I feel like he is , she says before she explains her theory. " so every month the nieghborhoods lights turn off and I think it's because th- (the school bell goes off ) " sorry I'll tell you tomorrow come to my house and we can finish the conversation ok " she says and I nod my head 


I stand outside the school waiting for my mom to pick me up and she calls me " hello mom where are you " I ask , " sorry I have to run an late arrund at work can you ask somebody to stay with them while I'm at work " she says "ok I said as I hang up the phone. I walk over to the girl I was talking to earlier, " um hey my mom is still at work running a late arrund is it okay if i stay at your place for a while " I say , sure no problem we can talk about the whisper man there " ok  I say .


I learn that her name is Mia and she's a pretty nice girl , we get out of her parents car and I look up to see a very pretty house and then my face turns sad because it looks very similar to Katrine's house .  I walk into Mia's bedroom that has a lot of family photos, "she looks so happy " I say before she interruptes me by sitting on the bed .
" so like I said in the classroom our neighborhoods lights turn off every month so I think it's because the whisper man messes up everyone's lights so know one sees him when he's torturing his victims she says , " well it's about to be night we should get to sleep " Mia says ,

Mia gets in her bed I get at the bottom and we fell asleep until I heard a voice whispering my name .

That's it you guys hope you like the book enjoy ❤️ update tomorrow ❤️

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