Chapter 1: Moving into town

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My name is Maddison but my nickname is Maddie I'm 16 and I moved in Alabama from new York because my mom got a business trip/job here , my mom is always going out of town or out of the country so I'm use to this moving back and fourth thing and I expect having to take care of my little brother since that's what I have to do Every time she leaves. My dad is always leaving at night and for some reason he's always hanging with his assistant which has me thinking if he's cheating on my mom but anyways back to another reason why I moved here, my friend Kristine died ,she was so amazing and full of joy . she died the night we were supposed to have a slumber party and it was a total shock to my whole family we didn't think she would die that young well not really that young she was my age but anyways back to what happen so I'm going to make this short . she was almost murdered according to the police but we made it to the hospital and the last thing she said to me was its watching , I still have no idea what that means ,so back to the day everthing started happening . My mom comes in my room and wake me up for school which I'm not happy about since its my first day of school. I get up and get dressed and come downstairs where my brother was sitting at the table eating cereal . I sit at the table and open up a box of pop's cereal to see it's empty ,great I whisper to myself . I hear my bus so I get up and go outside and see my bus waiting for me . I get in the bus to see people looking at me , this is not going to be the best day I say to my self . the bus stops at the school and I get out of the bus to see a lot of people walking together and talking and laughing and I can already see that there's type of students. You have your skater dudes ,the buff hot dudes, the geeks, the weirdos and last but not least the mean girls aka the hottest girls of the school . I walk In the school and go straight to 1st period and the teacher tells to class to be quiet and listen. Class this is Maddison and she is the new student today, when she said that the class just laughs ,

Its WatchingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ