1. night of the blood moon

Start from the beginning

"S-she's right! There is no harem! I should run, too!"

Yu Hua's expression darkened considerably. Was he to be slaughtered too? Among the exhausted young ladies in the room with him, he was the only man. 

Yu Hua's heart spiked with fear. How was he supposed to find his way back home? Back to mother, and father, and sister - 

He blinked wearily, sleep tugging at his eyelids. 

No! I can't! 

He wanted to, however. He felt so incredibly tired, and the carpet he rested upon was a soft one... 

The cold wind hissed at his face sharply and then stopped. The warmth from being in a room out of the cold lulled him to sleep. 

No... Yu Hua thought. No, I must leave...

The last thing he saw before blacking out was the door in front of him shutting firmly. 


"Hey, wake up."

A soft finger prodded Yu Hua's cheek. Yu Hua lifted his head, blinking. His sight blurred before he looked up at who was disturbing him - specifically, a young boy.

Yu Hua sat up and scooted backward, suddenly hitting the wall. He winced. 

The young boy smiled humorously. He was around Yu Hua's age, with long, shiny black hair twisted into a bun atop his head, glittering, clever phoenix eyes, and a set of beautiful features. Right now in his youth, he looked more beautiful than handsome, but here and then there were sharp lines indicating how his face would come to be good-looking and masculine.

Yu Hua blushed, the wall pressing up against his back. Who was he to guess how the boy would look like older?

"How old are you?" He asked. He was dressed in an expensive-looking set of white silk robes with silver embroidery of dragons and peacocks. His bun was pinned up with a golden clasp, a dragon stamped into the metal. 

Yu Hua blinked back at him, too shy and terrified to say anything. 

"Never mind. You look about the same age as me, and I'm eight."

Yu Hua nodded furiously. His eighth birthday, celebrated in the fall, had just passed. 

"Are you here as one of the concubines?" The young boy cocked his head. 

Yu Hua blushed, then nodded softly, curling up tighter in his robes. He was dressed in long red silk, and his face smeared thickly with makeup. His hair had been brushed long and silky black and then twisted with ribbons. Before arriving here, the cart had dropped them off at Lotus Lady Brewery, where Miss Yao scrubbed at their skin with rose soap and applied rouge, powder and lipstain like a second skin. Even now, his skin smelled faintly of roses, and Yu Hua blushed again. 

"Do you know where this is?" The young boy asked. 

Yu Hua nodded tentatively. He'd heard enough to know that he was at a palace. Why the former Emperor would want poor young country girls, and one boy in this case, in his harem, Yu Hua didn't know. The thought disgusted him, however. His family rarely talked about the royal family, but Yu Hua's neighbors liked to gossip of the Emperor's ever-expanding harem. 

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