"Daddy!." she yelled as she went running right into his arms "Oh babygirl." he whispered 

"Does this mean I can finally come home with you mommy." she said 

"Yes it does baby." She said and then said "These are your little siblings this is James Jensen and Joshua and mommy has another baby in her tummy." 

"Yay!!!! I'm so excited I've been waiting for you daddy to come home. Mommy said that I couldn't come home with her till you came home. So I've been staying with Aunt Becky here." She said as she grabbed his hand and pulled him to her bedroom and she showed him where she stayed with his sister. And saw that her room had pictures of him and Chloe everywhere. 

He came back out and hugged Chloe and said "She's beautiful baby...I'm sorry that I made you wait to bring her home and I'm sorry I wasn't there for you and her. I honestly thought you were going to tell me that Taylor was ours cause she looks just like you." 

Chloe started laughing and said "Seriously Taylor isn't she's 13 years old that would mean I got pregnant before my birthday when I flew to LA to see you. I know why everyone thinks Taylor isn't Steve and Nat's cause she doesn't have red hair but I swear she's not ours." 

Chloe and Bucky packed up Jolie's room at Becky's and they finally got to take her home and she said "This is our house. It's so big mommy and daddy." 

"I know but we still have to start adding more bedrooms." Bucky said as he carried her in. They were able to put her in Becky's old room since the twins were still sleeping in their room. Sarah and John came over and said "It's about time you brought that little girl home Chloe." 

"I know she went running right into Bucky's arms and they haven't stopped since we got here. He's colored with her and chased her around the house. I hate that I waited so long to tell him but we both weren't in a good place when we had her and I"m so thankful for Rebecca." Chloe said

Jolie saw Sarah and John and said "Grandma and Grandpa!!." she went running to them and Bucky came over and said "She's just like you Chloe so much energy." 

Chloe put her arm around his waist and said "By the way mom and dad I'm pregnant again. We counted it up this morning this baby makes baby #7 if you count the twins I lost at 16." 

"You two always did say lots of babies." Sarah said 

"Yes we did." Bucky said 

"You won't believe what he thought mom when I said I had something tell him. He thought I was going to say that Taylor was ours." Chloe said 

Her parents both looked at each other and said "Why would he think that Taylor was yours." 

"Because she looks exactly like Chloe...she looks nothing like Nat or the boys. Taylor has blonde hair and dark blue eyes." Bucky said 

"Mom Taylor isn't mine that would mean I had her at 16 cause she's 13 years old I was in my car accident that week. Stop looking like that me and Bucky lost the twins I remember that. " Chloe said 

"Um well Taylor isn't 13 she's 12 and you did see Bucky one more time before you started college. We um we had Nat and Steve take care of her like you did Jolie with Rebecca." Sarah 

"Mom are you trying to tell me that my 12 year old niece is mine and Bucky's baby." Chloe said 

"Yes." John said

"What the hell why don't I remember this. Please tell me that you are joking." Chloe said as she looked at Bucky and said "Do you know what they are talking about?"

"Um maybe...um are you saying that we have 8 babies that Taylor isn't Nat and Steve's that shes ours that we made when?" Bucky said 

"Um well you both may not remember but when Chloe was 17 we flew out to LA with your mom remember Bucky?" John said 

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