Chapter Six

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Prentiss, Morgan, Rossi and JJ unnervingly sped across town, lawlessly wishing they could be there any faster. The screech of tires on asphalt, didn’t go unnoticed by JJ as she started sweating anxiously. Prentiss squeezed her hand tightly for reassurance as Morgan spun around another corner. The car floored a homy street as it made its way towards a Mount Generetic road. From the address given, the team was assuming that Mr living-in-his-car-Fishe was staying illegally in a house whilst it was empty. The car roared excitedly as Morgan rammed it down a left street. The car screamed when he stepped on the break and the everyone leapt from their cars. They quickly gathered around a site plan that was sent to Rossi’s phone as a dozen officers stood with gunpoint at the suburban house. The incriminating car, which Andy was first seen in at the drop off sat quietly in the driveway.

“He’s still there, the trace, he hasn’t had time to leave,” Garcia yelled through Prentiss’ phone.

“Thanks G!” Prentiss yelled before snapping it shut.

“Right, we go to the back and search for an entrance, you guys stay at the front and convince him to come quietly,” Morgan said indicating to certain people.


The team rapidly put on their FBI vests and Morgan, Rossi and Prentiss scattered and ran to their directed sides to check on any open windows or doors. Prentiss and Rossi, played monkey checking every second one, hoping that just one would be open. By that stage, Hotchner’s police car had caught up to the house and he was prepping as JJ quickly told him what he had missed.

“Alright, I’ll start negotiating with Fishe. Give me the speaker,” Hotchner ordered reaching for the megaphone. JJ nodded and step back, her eyes caught sight of Morgan as he silently rushed down the left side, gently pushing and pulling on crevices on the walls.

“Andy, please come out. We know you are still here, do not cause more drama than there needs to be,” Agent Hotchner exclaimed.

There was a shuffling in the house and then a loud reply.

“No! I can’t do that. Can you see the park? The park was pretty, but life’s not like that! I need to continue. Parents must see and know!” He shouted from somewhere in the centre of the house.

“What park?” Hotchner asked quickly.

“I, I, I have no idea what park,” JJ replied confused.

“I found the park,” an officer called. He stepped back as Hotchner and JJ marched forward.


Across from the yellowing house, there was a small park. In the past it may have been described as beautiful, quaint and delicate but it was now trashed. At first sight, it may be just litter but a officer threw up when he had a closer look.

“What is it?” Hotchner asked, he was cautious not to leave the house but confused about what might be in the park.

“It’s body parts,” the vomiting officer called.


The disgusting park, obviously went unnoticed in this tiny crescent street. It appeared as nobody else lived in the street, complaining that the grassland - park area surrounding their houses smelt and now it was obvious why. This tiny closed off street would have been perfect for the murdering of innocent people.

Hotchner and JJ desperately tried to avoid throwing up and rushed back in front of the yellow house.

“Mr Fishe, you aren’t very well. We need to help you!” Hotchner called through the mega phone.

A silent moment went by as they waited for a reply.


Meanwhile Prentiss, Rossi and Morgan had all reached around to the back and found a single door leading inside. Their eyes cast over dying yard as Morgan lead the way up an outdoor set of stairs to a small wooden door. Finally their luck had turned and it opened without a click. The three of them waited as Rossi quietly mentioned through his communicator to tell Hotch, they were in. There was a moment of peace before the moment of fury.


“Please Mr Fishe, let us help you!”

“Go, go, go!”

The thump of stomps.

A panicked man.

A distressed agent wriggling on the floor.

A gun shot.

Banging and slamming on a front wooden door.

It all happened in seconds.


“Please Mr fishe, let us help you!” Hotchner yelled desperately.

He hoped for a better outcome. The three agents at the back rushed through the door and separated down different paths, their loud feet, frightening a lousy gunned man in the living room. He shrieked and threw the gun at Detective Brenner.

“Take it! I can’t do this, I don’t want to do this!” He screamed before breaking down into tears.

Detective Brenner roared with anger and missed the catch accidentally firing the gun as it fell. Gun shot one. He rapidly reached down and clasped the metal revolver, aiming it at the door leading to the house.

“Get in there!” Hotchner yelled at the officers.

Police officers, rushed towards the front door, kicking it furiously. The three agents arrived at the edge of the room.

“Put the gun down, Fishe!” Morgan yelled, not daring to look around the edge.

Detective Brenner glanced down at the gun and up at the door frame. A huge bang pounded the house and there was more angry feet of soldiers coming for him. Down the adjacent hallway, Hotchner saw Brenner holding the gun and Brenner aimed at the man. He fired multiple shots before diving out of the way of any oncoming bullets. Agent Reid wriggled on the floor, trying to roll into the corner of the room, with great difficulty as he currently lay on the carpeted floor, his hair flopping around his head uselessly. Brenner caught sight on the Agent and divided to the other side of the room, grasping Ried around the neck.

“I have your Agent! I’ll go down with fire!” He screamed before pointing the weapon at Reid.

Reid shrieked as best as he could with a gagged mouth. The shriek was too much for Morgan. For him, his friend was about to die. He turned into the door frame and fired at Fishe, shooting his leg. The terrified man screamed and shocked Morgan, when he noticed he didn’t have a gun. Brenner shot fire at Morgan who scrambled back and started firing at Brenner. A bullet pierced his head and the gun in his hand became as useless as a limpet. Reid struggled to separate himself with the Detective and Morgan rushed to greet him.  


As the agents were leaving, Rossi stopped at a cabinet, images of Brenner at past events decorated the wall. The Agent sighed as he saw the smiling faces of what probably was once a nice family.

“I know what you’re thinking, how could someone so happy, have gone so wrong,” Prentiss muttered walking behind Rossi.

He smiled and nodded, “I was going to say, how could someone so happy, have changed so much.”

“Brenner and Fishe had so much going for them, if only that semi-truck hadn’t hurt his daughter. There was a lot more innocent people that what we first thought,” Rossi commentated.

Prentiss snorted a short laugh and exited the room.

People aren’t born good or bad. Maybe they’re born with tendencies either way, but its the way you live your life that matters - Cassandra Clare, City of Glass.

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