They stared at Kuroko who had not moved from his spot. He brought up his hand to wave at Tora, but she was already out of the door with Kana. A huge hand slapped his back.

"Aomine! Kise! You both owe me 1000¥!" Kagami grins.

"No way! I said after two months!" Kise whines.

"But it officially marks 2 months–"

"Wait a minute! He hadn't asked her out yet!" Aomine reasoned.

"Have you, Tetsuya?" Akashi smirked.

"Um," Kuroko simply stuttered.

"Aha! Where's my money, Aomine and Kise?" Kagami barks out a laugh.

They growled at Kagami and gave him his bet money. They exited and separated home after promising to meet up again the next afternoon to go to the stadium together.

"Thank you very much for sending me home," Kana bowed her head before alighting the car.

"No problem. See you tomorrow, Kana!" Tora wishes, and they drove home.

Kana lived in another neighbourhood just opposite of Tora's. Tora's father had to drive up a hill to get to their neighbourhood.

"Tsk. I can't believe you disobeyed your own mother, Tora. I'm so disappointed in you," Tora's mother who tried to keep her cool in Kana's presence snapped.

"What–? I should be disappointed in you! You kept me away from my friends!" Tora shot back.

"They were a bad influence! –" Tora cut off her mother mid-sentence.

"Bad influence, mother? Hadn't they been supportive this whole time? Hadn't they proved that they mean no harm–" Tora's father had enough, and he signalled them by balling his fist and slamming them on the steering wheel.

"Enough, the both of you!" He snapped, the two females flinched at his loud voice. "I have seriously had enough. Tora, do not ever embarrassed us again in front of everyone–"

"That's right! –"

"Tamiko, you too. You were the one who traumatised her in the first place. But both of you should be ashamed of yourselves!" Tora's father concluded.

Silence filled the car, but the tension eased the situation. Tora was calm and grateful that her father speaks up.

"You're right, dad. I'm sorry for humiliating you. You too, mama. I forgive you. Thank you for coming to my games."

"I'm– Honey! Look out!"


Knock knock knock!

"Hello? Is anyone home?" Kuroko quickly makes his way to his front door.

His parents had left to work early after waking him up for breakfast. He reached the door and was immediately pulled.

"Akashi-san? Where are we going?" Kuroko asked before he goes into Akashi's car.

"To the hospital. Something has happened to Tora-chan," Akashi had said enough, and Kuroko immediately went inside.

"To the hospital, quick!" The journey was fast, and they rushed to the reception to ask for Tora.

"I'm sorry, sir. We only have Nashida Tamiko in ward 707," The receptionist nervously told them.

"That will have to do," Kuroko scoffed and rushed to where Tora's mother is.

When they reached, Kana and an old lady were there, comforting Tora's mother.

"Kuroko-kun. Madam, I have to leave for a second," Kana finally turned around and Kuroko got to see her puffy face.

"Kana-chan. Where's Tora-chan?" Kuroko's heart rate quickened.

"Please. Let me explain outside. We don't want to bother anyone else," Kana led the way and coincidentally bumped into the rest of her teammates.

"Yoshigaraha! What happened? Where's Tora? Is she okay?" Fumiko spoke while everyone else catches their breath.

"Yes," Kana sniffled. "She's what I'm going to talk about."

"The rest are on their way. Could we wait awhile?" Akashi interrupted.

"Yeah, it's fine," They settled down in a waiting room.

Soon, Kuroko's Teiko middle school friends arrived and Kana tried to keep it together.

"What's wrong?"

"Is Tora okay?"

"When can we see her?"

"We just heard the news and were very confused when Akashi texted us. Is she okay?"

"She's gone," Kana sobbed quietly.

A pregnant silence and then a strained chuckle from Wakana.

"Shut up. You're lying," She patted Kana's shoulder teasingly.

"Yeah. We just saw her last week after she dislocates her shoulder," Hitomi pointed out.

"No! After that, her family got into an accident and she and her father didn't make it! Okay! I- just found out too, okay?" Kana cried.

It was like a meteorite crashed on their hearts and their spirits. Their best friend, Tora was really gone.

At the back of the room, Kuroko stumbled back. Kagami noticed and sat next to him. The pupils in Kuroko's eyes were no longer there. He feels numb.

"Kuroko," Someone calls out.

Kuroko's world just fell apart. That was it. She breaks him.

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