Muttering about how the lack of security was very irresponsible and typical egotistical, big-headed, garbage dirtball behavior, Aubrey assembled the girls in the living room. "Alright Bellas. We're here for one reason, and one reason only. To find the keys to Beca and Chloe's handcuffs. Put everything you touch back in the right place, and don't make a huge mess. This is not a time to snoop on the boys, so Stacie, please turn off your phone or at least put that 'College Co-Ed Scavenger Hunt List' you found on the internet away. We need to get in and get out, before they realize that we're here. Capiche?"

"Yes, General Posen," Beca said, rolling her eyes. "We get it. I know you think we're all a bunch of heathens who can't be trusted to not fuck with their stuff, or make a huge mess, but we'll try our best, right girls?"

Responses of "Right Cap!" and "Of course" and "You got that right, B" were heard echoing around the room.

"Besides," Beca added, looking around the foyer, "It already looks like a tornado came through here, so they probably wouldn't notice much of a difference if we did, anyway."

Although Aubrey obviously agreed with Beca's last sentiment, she didn't say it out loud. Instead, she gave a subtle, yet still approving nod of agreement. Taking that as a green light to go ahead and begin, the girls all scattered throughout the house. The Bellas and Trebles house were both built in a fairly similar design, and they discovered the floor layout was practically a mirror image of the one the girls resided in. However, the Trebles must have made some modifications unbeknownst to everyone else, because the girls definitely did not have a hot tub in their basement. Beca made a mental note to herself, to ask if they could hold another bikini car wash or something to raise funds to get one installed.

After about 10 minutes of searching, Aubrey hollered for them to all regroup.

"Ladies. This is ridiculous," Aubrey said, once all the girls assembled in the living room. Amy wandered in from the kitchen holding a box of Lucky Charms, Lily squelched in, soaking wet from scuba diving in the hot tub in the basement, and Stacie strolled in, wearing a totally different outfit, complete with a snapback that said "NOPE" on it. Cynthia Rose looked quite pleased that she found a magazine full of pretty girls with big boobs. Beca and Chloe came in last, both giggling and with their hair looking slightly disheveled but not enough to arise suspicion from any of their fellow singers. Jessica and Ashley were just standing there, like they had been there the whole entire time, even though Beca distinctly did NOT remember them being at the Bellas house earlier that afternoon.

"Do you even know what you're looking for?" Aubrey questioned.

"Keys. Duh," was Stacie's reply.

"What do they keys look like, though, Stacie?"

"Uhhh. Keys?"

"Do you know the size, shape, or even color?" continued Aubrey, slightly exasperated at Stacie's response.

"Oh. No. What size, shape and color is it?" Stacie asked Aubrey.

Aubrey just directed her gaze over to Amy, repeating the question.

"I dunno. Like I said earlier, I didn't actually see them. But they're probably tiny and silver like the cuffs," was Amy's response.

"Okay. Well, now that you have a specific thing, can you please try and focus on that?" Aubrey reprimanded. "I don't want to spend any more time here than absolutely necessary.

With that in mind, the girls dispersed again, their second attempt going about as well as the first. Well over an hour and a half had passed since they first arrived, and the Bellas still hadn't found the keys. They did, however, find almost everything that was on Stacie's scavenger hunt list that she apparently did not actually end up putting away.

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