Do's And Don'ts

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I am unable to understand,

The do's of this society.

As all the legends,

Rises by don'ts only.

I am unable to understand,

Why we already have a list defined?

From the very beginning,

Of maturity of our mind.

I am unable to understand,

Those predefined tracks.

Where I am riding,

And getting harms because of blind cracks.

I am unable to understand,

The criteria of satisfying everything.

But still have a ray,

Even after continuously falling.

I am unable to understand,

The reason of dilemma.

Which I ever face in situations

Where I apply that sigma

I am unable to understand

The do's of this society.

As when I prefer don'ts

It seems more satisfactory.

A Walk Through That PathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora