Dragon Racing

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Hey guys! So, many of you wanted a second book, and here's the first chapter! Hope you guys like!

Disclaimer - I don't own anything in anyway except for Cynthia.


"This is Berk." A familiar voice could be heard.

An island could be seen, but anyone could tell, it was a very colorful village.

"The best kept secret this side of, well, anywhere." Hiccup continued narrating, "granted it may not look like much, but this wet heap of rock packs more then a few surprises."

A circle of sheep moved across the isle if houses, trying to avoid something.

"Life here is amazing, just not for the faint of heart." He said.

The sheep moved into the pin, but one was kept pushed out. His eyes widened in fright.

"You see where most people enjoy hobbies like widdeling or needlepoint, we Berkians prefer a little something we like to call..." Hiccup paused.

The sheep that was pushed out of the pen suddenly got snatched up, and flown off.

"Dragon racing!" Hiccup finally finished.

Dragons flew in all different directions. Fishlegs was currently carrying a sheep. Snotlout bumped his dragon into Fishlegs, making his drop the sheep.

"Oh oh, I'm sorry Fishlegs. Did you want that?" He asked as he caught the sheep.

He brought it over to Ruffnut, and tossed it up to her.

"Here you go babe. Did I tell you that you look amazing today? Cause you do." He said.

Ruffnut scoffed, "Come on barf. It's starting to stink around here."

Tuffnut smiled, and turned to Snotlout, "Nope, still hates you." He pumped his fist in the air, "let's blow this place, 5;*%~.Belch!"

The dragon growled happily, before letting loose a giant spark. The area exploded, and the twins cheered.

"Yeah!" They yelled.

Ruffnut dropped the sheep in the net, and flew by the chiefs chair.

Stoic cheered, then went to sit down.

"The twins lie with 5, Astrid lies with 3, Snotlout and Fishlegs fall with zero. And hiccup is no where to be found." He read off the scores.

"Scared him off with the big talk, aye stoic?" Gobber teased.

"That, or he's out looking again." Stoic quickly said, but with disappointment clear in his voice.

"At least he's getting better. He does seem happier these past few days. Though, that talk might've just started the cycle all over again." Gobber laughed.

Back with Snotlout, Astrid closed up on him, and hit him in the head.

"What are you doing Snotlout? Their going to win now!" She exclaimed.

"She's my princess! Whatever she wants she gets!" He told her.

"Ruffnut? Didn't she try to bury you alive?" Astrid asked.

"Only for a few hours!" Snotlout laughed.

Hiccups voice could be heard again.

"Now dragons used to be a little bit of a problem, but that was five years ago. Now they've all moved in. And, really, why wouldn't they? We have custom stables, all you can eat dragon station, a full serves dragon wash."

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