Chapter 19

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Above is how Kathy is dressed for lunch with her friends

It's been six days since we have been here Li Huan has gotten to know everyone a little more he even end up playing with the kids even looking over them for a few hours an they really love him, now I know for sure that he will make a great dad the only thing is my mom ask if we are having sex I told her yes and that I even had a consultation with a genogolgst and that I am on the pill, but she told me that I should get regular check ups I told her that the genogolgst told me the same thing but that's just the doctor in her. Anyway we are planning to have a small family party, an he is going to finally be able to meet all my friend's all at once for lunch. So I got up and started getting ready.

As I was walking down the stairs my sister Camellia ask me were I going all dressed up she was in the kitchen helping Mom with the food I told them out with my friends and to introduce them to Li Huan but I can help them out for a while till then

"Don't you worry about us and get going to your lunch with your friends to introduce Li Huan to them but just get back here on time for the party oh and you can invite them if you want" my mom said in a stern tone and I have learned at an young age her word is law even my dad does as he is told so I just went and got Li Huan so we could get going, he was in the gameing room with my brothers and brother-in-law's he was in the middle of a card game with Ace, Oliver and Edson

"Is it time already"

"Yeah come on let's go" we arrived at the restaurant

I ask too be shown to the Miller table seeing Annie made the reservation

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I ask too be shown to the Miller table seeing Annie made the reservation. Annie, Sage and Jacqueline were already there. As we are being shown to the table I can see grin's on all of there face now that we are all seated.

"Oh stop it you guys anyway let me introduce you this is Li Huan, Li Huan this is Annie Miller, Sage Michael and Jacqueline Harp. Sage and I have been friends since kindergarten she is a reporter for the newspapers next is Annie we meet in junior high and she is an accountant last but not least is Jacqueline we meet in highschool and she is an editor are there any questions any of you"

"So what are your intentions" Sage asked

"Marriage" said Li Huan

"Do you love her do you love him"

"Yes" we said at the same time

"If you ever make her cry or break her heart I will have you bump off do I make my self clear" Jacqueline said

"Very" she has a lot of connection because her family is very old money. After all the questioning on both of us, they get to know him a little I can see they begin to like him they told me that they will love to come to the party although Jacqueline said she will be a little late on the account that she will be coming with her husband but first she has to pick him up from the airport.

It's now six 'o clock

As the party has started with guess come in I went upstairs to get changed and so does Li Huan

When we came back down the party was in full swing next thing I know my brother Edson puts on some lively music and everyone were line up women on the left side and men on the right side as each couple teams up an dance going down, some thing like...

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When we came back down the party was in full swing next thing I know my brother Edson puts on some lively music and everyone were line up women on the left side and men on the right side as each couple teams up an dance going down, some thing like how they would do it on soul train my mom and dad went first then Edson and Anong went after some time pass an the only couples were now Naenia and Ace, Amedeo and Packer and last but not least I and Li Huan
When New Edition - hot tonight in starts to play I was all laugh dancing with him. After the party was over we each were about to go to our rooms for the night when mom stop's all of us before we all left an said "there is no need for you guys to get up early because I have already called a cleaning service, also me and the girls will be having a day at the spa and Julian has the agenda for you guys." The day after is there anaversary the service along with the venue are already taken care of they have also decided to have a third honeymoon. The next day at the spa we all got to talking aunt Sabrina meet us there she is my mom's best friend but the way they act they are more like sister's.

Aunt Sabrina: "so Kathy I see you have a boyfriend now what caused the chance of heart I thought you said love is not meant to be for you"

Camellia: "well aunt Sabrina Naenia the helpless romantic saw how much he loved her so she decided to go butted in and play matchmaker"

Naenia: "is it my fault that you and Kathy are a bit dence and completely oblivious when it comes to seeing when a guy is interested in you"

Kathy: "oh please Naenia girls like you aren't makes the butts of jokes and humilated just because of how you look"

Kaarina: "come on guys let's not argue it's been awhile since we've seen each other anyway he seems to be a good thing for Kathy but have you meet his family"

Kathy: "yes I have actually he was quite insatant on it happening it was on his grandmother's birthday and she even give us her blessings"

Anong: "he what okay it's official he is befernatly seeing you as wife congratulations Kathy you know a guy is serious when he wants you to meet his family so fast congratulations Kathy you may be the next one to be engaged apart from Aal- nevermind"

Kathy: " thanks so anyway oh I heard Edson is over the moon with the birth of his son I am so happy for you guy's oh an Kaarina I heard your two months pregnant Oliver must be probably beside himself"

Kaarina: "yeah and the tripplets are just as happy ah Talin don't forget we have to go over how you want to do your makeup"

Talin: "sure thing how about next week Tuesday or Wednesday"

Kathy: "oh yeah Talin, you and Gabe's wedding is in two months so how long is the honeymoon going to be because Naenia and Ace wedding is in the next six months"

Talin: "well we were planning to go for two months so we well be back in time for the wedding"

Aaliyah: "okay can anyone tell me what David's been up to he's been acting suspiciously for a while now can someone tell me what he's up to" it's a surprise everyone said at the same time Aaliyah watched all of us suspiciously I think she is even more on alert seeing Anong nearlly rat David out he's planning it on her birthday in two days

Mom: "so since we don't have a lot of time to get together I thought this would be a great time to spend with each other right girls but it looks like we should be heading home soon come on now" with that we all got ready to leave for home.

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