Chapter 32: "Curse in Heliohapt?"

Start from the beginning


"It seems like this country has its own problems, too." Annalise says.

"Yeah." Sinbad says.

Their friends from earlier, explains the whole situation that was going on at the palace. Sinbad listens and when they smile about the sake of Heliohapt's future, Sinbad smiles back. They show everyone to the inn and Annalise looks at Sinbad. While Sinbad and Annalise checks in, Jafar talks to the person who was showing them around. He apologizes for being suspicious. He shakes her hand and releases her hand as they smile. The person suddenly falls over and Annalise and Sinbad run over shocked.

"What happened?!" Sinbad asks.

"He's dead!" Jafar says.

"W-What?" Annalise asks.

"Jafar you didn't... slip back into your old habits of killing people, did you?!" Sinbad says and Annalise smacks him in the side of the head.

"I KEEP HIM IN LINE!" Annalise says.

"And I didn't." Jafar says.

"I know! I was just joking." Sinbad says.

"Only person I'll return to kill is you." Jafar says.

"That's dangerous! Stop it Jafar!" Sinbad says and as Jafar jabs at him.

"Enough of that. We need to figure this out." Annalise says.

"Annalise is right. What in the world is going on here? Why would someone who seemed just fine die so suddenly?" Sinbad asks.

"He was with us all day and he seemed like a healthy young man." Mytras says.

"Is this even possible?" Sinbad asks.

"Even if we asked his friends, I doubt there was any sort of chronic illness involved." Annalise says.

"I wonder if this is one of those mysterious sudden deaths with no apparent cause." Mytras asks.

"It's the curse." People whisper, "Another youngster. Isn't that the third one this month? The rumors about a curse must have been true."

"Curse? Are they talking about the rage of the former king that we heard about at the palace?" Mytras whispers.

"Our current king is mistaken after all. It would have been better if we stuck to our old policies of not interacting with foreigners. The former king must be angered by the presence of the outsiders in our country. After all, didn't he die after he got involved with those travelers?" People says.

"Sinbad the villagers are staring at us." Mytras whispers harshly.

"They're getting suspicious of us..." Annalise says.

"What should we do?" Sinbad asks.

"Calm down, everyone!" A voice says and Sinbad and Annalise turn to look at a woman, "Don't worry. This isn't something like a curse. It's undoubtedly murder."

"What? Who are you?!" Some villagers say.

"Serendine? What are you doing here?" Annalise asks.

"My apologies, but I couldn't just ignore this situation. Please take a look at his body. There aren't any obvious external wounds. However... there is a single puncture wound. This is a mark left by a poisonous needle." Serendine says.

"Puncture mark?" Annalise asks.

"If you mix gipros grass commonly found in the northern regions, with the body fluids of the Ofuki frog and then boil the mixture. You can create a deadly poison that causes no symptoms until just before death." Serendine explains.

"He's completely cold for someone who just died and rigor mortis is starting to set in." Annalise says as she held the guy's arm.

"That means it was most likely a variety of poison that affected his heart." Serendine says.

"It wouldn't be easy to make in this area, and it's a poison that leaves no traces in the body so it's impossible to know for sure." Annalise says.

"But this was definitely murder. Not a curse." Serendine says. They turn the body and scene over to the country police.

"Why are you guys here?" Annalise asks.

"They're only here because they were worried about my safety. The one who decided to come after you want me." Serendine says.

"Why?" Annalise says, "Chasing Sinbad to get him all alone? I heard you asked only for Sin."

"Annalise, that's not the point. She crossed the desert to follow after us. Why would you do something so dangerous?" Jafar asks.

"I'll admit it was dangerous... but I'm a soldier formerly known as the poisonous spider princess. I can fight my own battles and take care of myself. I won't be a burden to you. I want to become a source of strength for you. I can't just hang back and wait anymore. So please... please let us accompany you on your journey." Serendine says.

"That's not the point! You have to understand that Sinbad is mine!" Annalise says and grabs Sinbad as her face was full of anger while she blushed.

"Awe, so forceful." Sinbad says.

"That's not why I'm here." Serendine says.

"Whatever. I could use my guards. Sinbad won't let me fight." Annalise says.

"Because you're my Princess." Sinbad says and hugs her with a grin.

"THIS ISN'T THE TIME!" Jafar says and hits him in the head.

"Ouch." Sinbad says as he falls over. They head to the castle and Annalise crosses her arms as they are met by the three from before.

"We've caused you a lot of trouble on your journey." Narmes says, "His majesty has also been extremely worried about these mysterious cases. We'll arrange for you to stay at a different inn immediately."

"Hey Narmes?" Annalise asks.

"You knew, didn't you? That these incidents were really... not a 'curse' at all, but actually someone murdering young people in Heliohapt." Sinbad says and Narmes gasps.

"Just as we thought." Annalise says as she steps back closer to Sinbad as she smirks.

"Here in Heliohapt with your excellent knowledge of pharmaceuticals there's no way you wouldn't discover that these incidents were murder if you really investigated them." Sinbad says.

"Can you tell me what's going on here? Consul Narmes?" Annalise asks.

"I understand... I'll tell you everything. Since you're caught up in it all, I'll tell you the truth about our country." Narmes says. Annalise looks at Sinbad and at the group over her shoulder before she looks back at Narmes. 

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