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You said you found me beautiful;

you said you cared;

you swore that you will love me forever;

but that was not the case;

You broke me like a glass;

Treated me like dirt;

called me a bitch;

but to you i ran;

No matter what you said;

I always chose you ;

But that was the darn problem;

I forgot to love and value myself;

As i stare out of the window tonight;

the stars are shining in all their glory;

fireflies are passing by;

My heart still beats for you;

I tried to ignore the lies;

I tried to forgive you;

I tried to blame myself;


As the last teardrop falls;

I realized that you dont know the value of my tears;

That you do not even respect me;

That if you wanted me , you would try harder;

But guess what ;

This is not the end ;

My heart may be broken ;

This chapter of my life sucks;

But this is not the end;

As i look up to the sky once more;

My angel whispered to me:

My dear child, you will be loved;

You will be cared for;

And the last tear i shed for you will always hold the pain you caused me;

But my heart shall move on.

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