Chapter 9

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Before Baldi knew it, the bell rang. All the students ran out of the class in excitement. Bully forcefully grabbed Playtime's hand, and started to walk away. Playtime nodded at Baldi, and Baldi nodded back at Playtime. The small girl left the classroom, then Baldi left the classroom. The teacher found Principal of the Thing looking at Playtime. Then Baldi went up to the principal's ear.

"I messaged her back, were falling her." Baldi whispered. 

"W-Why?" The principal was confused.

"I'll explain in just a second, but are you ready?" Principal Thing nodded, then they slowly walked out of the building.


"So then, she told me to follow her home." Explained Baldi.

"I see, well, I wonder what she is gonna show us. I'm kinda nervous."

"Me too, I couldn't focus on my Michi No book. And it was a pretty good book."

The Principal of the Thing giggled. "Haha, I bet. Well, I think it's good to be nervous, then you know that you truly care about someone." Baldi looked down at his shoes and blushed, then he looked up at the principal.

"T-Then, I guess I'm nervous for you a lot, boss!" Principal Thing chuckled and put his arm around Baldi.

"Oh Baldi! Hehe..." Principal Thing's laughter stopped when he heard Bully and Playtime talking.

"Bully, for the last time! I would never tell Mr. Baldi!!!" Playtime exclaimed.

"HEY!!! Don't talk back at me like that!!!" Bully kicked Playtime's bruised up leg. She was to weak to stand up, and she fell down crying. "Don't think that I can see your lies. Your just an ugly, fake, tattle tail, snotty GIRL!!!" Bully started to beat the crap out of Playtime. The girl couldn't stopped crying. She curled up in a ball to try to get more defense, but Bully was to strong. Principal Thing and Baldi were just watching in shock. The principal couldn't breath, and tears started to stream down his face.

"P-P-Playti-ime..." He quietly exclaimed. Bully heard a noise, but didn't see the two staff members.

"Someone's here, let's go." Bully said, grabbing Playtime's arm, running off. As soon as they both left, Baldi looked at Principal the of Thing.

"Are you OK?" Baldi asked, putting his hand on the mans shoulder. Even more tears started to stream on his face. Then the principal put his hands over his mouth.

"I'm gonna, yeah, I'm fin-e..." Principal Thing ran over to a near by bush, and began to throw up. Baldi was really stressed out, that he began to cry really hard. He never cried this hard before, but he just couldn't help it. Principal Thing was done, and went back to Baldi. He was quiver so much, Baldi couldn't control himself. The principal sat down next to Baldi, and began to hug him. Principal Thing had tears running down his face, but Baldi was still sobbing. The principal felt the teacher's tears landing on his hand. 

After about 10 minutes, Baldi looked at the principal. He was asleep on Baldi's shoulder. 

"Boss *sniff* wake up..." Principal Thing was still asleep. Baldi sighed, and picked up the principal. He put him up of his shoulders, like a piggy back ride. 

Where does Principal of the Thing live? Ugh, I'll just take him to my house.

Baldi was started to walk, until it began to rain. Then, Baldi was running. He eventually got to his small apartment. Baldi set the principal on his couch. The teacher went to grab two towels, and when he came back, Principal Thing was laying down, fast asleep on the couch. Baldi grabbed a blanket, and spread it out on the couch. He also grabbed a pillow, and put it under Principal Thing's head. Then, Baldi just stared at the principal. 

He looks so cute when he is asleep.

Baldi started to blush. Then he russled Principal Thing's hair.

"Sweet dreams, boss." Baldi smiled, then left the living room.

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