Chapter 5

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The lunch bell rang, and all the students ran out of the class. Except for Bully and Playtime. Bully was helping Playtime getting her stuff together. Baldi was waiting for all the two to leave, and for at least Playtime to say her good byes to him. Once Playtime got all of her things together, she and Bully left. Baldi was a little confused on why Playtime didn't say good bye to him. It was a daily thing between the two of them. Then he thought that it was because he made Playtime snap, that's probably why. Baldi sighed and grabbed his lunch, and left the classroom. He walked into the principal's office, and he only found Principal of the Thing inside. 

"Oh? Where's Gotta Sweep?" Baldi asked.

"Ah, he is visiting his cousin, so he won't be here for about a week." The Principal said.

"So, it's gonna be...just us?"

"Haha, I guess so, Baldi!" Principal Thing chuckled. Baldi blushed and smiled, and hopped onto a chair.

"W-Well, we will still have fun either way! Besides, it's only a week!" 

"Yeah, only a week!" The principal and Baldi both shared a chuckle, then they went to eating. It was kinda quiet, until the principal remembered something.

"Oh yeah, Baldi, do you know why Playtime is being so weird?" Principal Thing asked.

"No...I thought she would tell me after class, but I guess she is still mad at me."

"Oh, OK..."


"Well, I saw her walking in the halls with Bully, and I walked up to her to ask her what was wrong, but Playtime just looked away from me, and walked away..." The principal put his head on his hands, and Baldi patted him on the back.

"Look, we are gonna find out together, it's gonna be OK."

"Yeah I guess..." Principal Thing lifted his head, and walked to grab a cup of coffee. He filled it up, and sat back down. The principal blew on the coffee to cool it down, then took a sip.

"Hmm, we should look for clues. Maybe something about her clothes, looks, emotions, etc..." Baldi nodded. "Um, Baldi, did you notice anything?" Baldi giggled, and blushed a bit.

"Uh...heh..." Baldi thought for a minute, then, he remembered. "Well, I don't know if Playtime was bored on not, but she started to tap her fingers on her desk a lot." The principal looked up from his coffee in a confused look. "But it wasn't like in a jumbled mess, it was kinda like in a pattern..."

"A pattern..." Principal Thing thought. "Could you show me how she did it?"

"Well, Playtime was doing it kinda fast...but I will try the best I can." Baldi stood up, and kneeled down on the ground right next to his chair. He placed his hand in the pose Playtime's hand was in when she was tapping her fingers on her desk. Then, Baldi put his hand on the chair, and began to tap like Playtime was doing. After about 10 seconds, the principal gasped.

" you know what you are doing!?" Principal of the Thing asked, in a shocked way.

"No?" Baldi was confused.

"Playtime was using Morse Code. It's a way in of talking with taps or punctuation. She is trying to tell us something!"

"Oh, wow..."

"Yeah, I could recognize some letters, like H, and P, you did a pretty good job Baldi..."

"Ah... t-thank you!" Baldi blushed. He sat back down in his seat, and began to drink his water bottle.

"Hmmm, well, it would be kinda weird for me to just watch Playtime in your class..."

"How about, I record Playtime doing her Morse Code, then I can show it to you later." That made Principal Thing smile big. He ran over and gave Baldi a big hug. They were both blushing like crazy.

"YOU ARE A GENIUS, BALDI!!!!"The principal squealed. Baldi nodded, and smiled. It was about a minute in the hug, until Principal Thing broke the hug. Baldi was frowning inside, but on the outside, he was happier than he ever was.

"Well, the bell is a bout to ring, so I guess I will see you later?" Baldi said.

"For sure, see yah!"

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