Reaching out for you

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"I really am sorry, Chara, but that doesn't sound like a good idea to me. I think there has to be a way where we can get your body back without fighting him. Once we do, we can reset the time line and put everything back to normal."

Chara wasn't going to lie and say that his friend's words didn't hurt. He figured that normal for him was back before they called him from the other timeline.If he were to go back soon, he would have no idea what to do anymore. He wanted to be good, but couldn't do it without Frisk. He couldn't risk being himself and having that monster grow inside him again. He would be lost without his friendly companion.

"Don't worry, Chara. I won't stop trying until you get back into your own body." With that Frisk ran off back the way he came from, searching for the continue button. "I'll save you no matter what happens to me."

Chara couldn't step any further, nor follow his friend. It was as if an invisible barrier was holding him back, but that was impossible, right? So then, why couldn't he go with Frisk? Was there a reason why he couldn't find the continue button? Does this mean that without his body, he can't come back?

As the realization hits him, Chara knew that must be it. There's no way he can go back to his own body while that monster, Player, is controlling him. There's no way to save him. If you kill Player, they will get to come back, but not him. His soul was shattered years ago, and the only thing that brought him back was his determination for revenge. All he wanted was to show those monsters what it feels like to be forgotten, to show those humans what their years of abuse did to him. Unfortunately for him, meeting Frisk changed all that. 

Chara was no longer angry about what happened back then. Of course, he was still upset that Toriel had tried to replace him with other kids, but he understood now that she would never do that. He knew now that Toriel had a special place in her heart just for him, just like she does for Asriel or Frisk. If he wanted to, he could belong here. He could have everything he lost before, and so much more. He wouldn't be alone anymore, killing everyone he used to love for Player's useless praises. 

No, he doesn't deserve it. After all, the first few killings were his idea. He wanted to kill those monsters, but it wasn't until he had to kill Toriel that it mattered. It was his fault that everyone is dead. He watched Toriel die and couldn't do a thing for her, even when she still believed he was there. Sans was prepared to lose everything for the safety of the others. He would be the only one capable of stopping the player, but he's gone too. It's all up to Frisk, and maybe even Papyrus to stop him.

"I'm sorry, Frisk, but there's no other way. You have to kill me to save them. They deserve to keep their happy ending." Chara said as he looked down at his feet. Tears quickly formed once again in the corner of his eyes, but he didn't bother to hold them back. "Forget about me for once and just save them."


"Back already I see. It seems that a brat like you doesn't know just when to quit! Still think you can save poor, little Chara?" Player looked over at Frisk, playing with Chara's knife in his hand as he said, "face it, idiot. There is no way to save him. He's gone. I made sure of it that he can't interfere unless I need him."

Frisk shook his head no, holding his stick in his hand. "I will save him, because Chara is one of my best friends! I have to save him, so he can be happy again!"Frisk made sure to meet Player's eyes, knowing full well that Chara could see what was going on. He needed Chara to hear him. "Chara is family, and I'm not leaving until I get him back."

Player laughed, making Frisk feel angry, before saying, "you're just as pathetic as he is. I spent a long time inside Chara's head, and I could tell you what he really thinks of you. Face it, kid, who you consider a friend is no more than a mere parasite. He's been using you this entire time to bring him close to your other so called friends to kill them."

Frisk once again shook his head no, unable to believe that was the case. He knew Chara all to well now, especially since they were connected for a brief amount of time. He knew that Chara considered him a friend, just like he knew how much his heart had changed since he joined them. Chara no longer wanted to murder everyone, but instead wanted to hold himself back. He knew he had a problem, but he thought he could handle it on his own. Just because that's how Chara is. It was all he knew. Chara didn't grow up asking for help like he did. Chara was very independent in a lot of ways, but that's just how life made him out to be.

"Chara is a lot of things. He's brave, mean, sometimes scary, and overly confident, but he's also my best friend." Frisk met Player in the eye before saying, "He doesn't need you anymore, so let him go. Give him back his body so he could be happy with the people who consider him family!"

Player shook his head no. "Why on earth would I do that? After all, it was Chara's strong wish that brought me to life. If he truly no longer desired revenge, I wouldn't be here right now talking to you. " The more Player stepped closer to Frisk, the more Frisk backed away from him. It wasn't until Player circled around him, eyeing him down like prey that Frisk began to feel scared. "You know it too. Here you are walking around all high and mighty as if you could really save Chara, but you can see it too. You can see how much he truly hates the world, how he hates himself. If Chara truly wanted to be saved, don't you think he would have banished me by now? No, because then he would be lost, empty, and alone."

Frisk froze in place as he kept his eyes on Player, not wanting to give him any openings to hurt him. He had to keep reminding himself that he was doing this to save everyone, especially Chara. Chara was counting on him to get his body back, so there was no way he was going to let him down.

"I could see why he likes you. You were just like him, so young and full with hope. Chara misses feeling that way, but his heart demands justice for the wrongdoing that he had to endure. Your friend deserves this, don't you think? Doesn't he deserve to show the humans who he should have called family what they've done to him? What they forced him to become?"

As he felt Player's hands on his shoulders, Frisk couldn't help but jump. He quickly shook his head no, knowing that Chara wouldn't want to see someone like that if it makes him sad. "He's not the person you say he is. Chara won't do anything that would make the humans hate monsters. Chara told me about his past, and I agree that it was bad, but he wouldn't do anything about it now. What happened back then was a long time ago. Surely he could let go of his grudge now."

With that Player raised the knife to Frisk's throat, threatening to kill him then and there if he dared to say another word. "Chara will never let go of his hatred for those pathetic humans. Not when I'm around to help him remember what he's fighting for. Without me, his soul is empty, shattered into the million pieces it was since the day he "died". Why don't you keep this in mind, little Frisk. If I'm gone, so is he."

"Chara, I know you can hear me through him, just like I know you're watching us right now. Don't let him control you! You have to let go of the past, so you can move on to the future. You're not alone anymore, because I promise to stay by your side! Please, Chara! This is something you have to do! I can help you reach your happy ending if you let me!" Frisk shouted as he felt his fear leave inside him. The courage to save his friend filled him with confidence to challenge this monster, but he needed Chara to fight back.

Deep inside, Chara could hear what his friend was telling him. He watched with tears in his eyes as Frisk tried to avoid fighting Player but to no avail. He knew that if Player could get him stuck right here, he could do the same to Frisk if he destroys his determination. The last thing Chara wanted was for Frisk to lose everything. He never wanted Frisk to end up just like him. 

As the battle began in front of him, he watched helplessly as Frisk continued to whisper words into his ear, encouraging him to break free. He watched it all, how Frisk dodged certain attacks, and how Player knew which ones will hit him. It wasn't until Chara saw Frisk's health go down to five that he was worried. Frisk wasn't a fighter, that much he knows too well, and yet, here he was fighting for him. He was really risking it all for him. 

When Frisk fell down, Player crushed Frisk's stick under his foot before saying, "nighty night, Frisk. Say hi to Chara for me, since you're going to be spending a lot of time with him from now on." With that Chara screamed out Frisk's name as the knife came down. Right in front of him, he saw the buttons that he was desperately searching for a while ago. Without hesitation, he pressed the button, unable to look away from the scene that was playing out in front of him.  

Across the timelines [an Undertale Fanfic] (revised)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon