Before she could stall any longer, Miss Kingston finished her transformation with a nice set of black wings and long talons instead of fingers.

Luckily for Violet, she was saved from imminent death by the door slamming open. Startled, both ladies turned to the door. In the entry way stood Violet's best friend slash nuisance, Kaius. She wanted to scream at him to leave, to run and find and find an adult that wasn't a total freakaziod, but Kai had no intention of doing that. He held up a set of pipes that were held together with string. He quickly played a short tune, and the room grew brighter, until Violet couldn't stand to open her eyes.

"It's safe now," Came the voice of her best friend after a few moments. When she peeked opened her eyes, she and Kai were alone. Miss Kingston was nowhere to be found, and all that remained was a fresh set of claw marks on the board and a pile of golden dust on the floor where she once stood.

Violet couldn't form words. She moved to sit down, but Kaius grabbed her arm, "Nope. No, sorry, Vi, we have to go. Now." He hauled her up and dragged her to the door.

She followed him in a daze, trying to wrap her mind around what she had just seen. "Miss Kingst... Wings... Black—" She cut herself off, "Kai, what just happened?"

He sighed, "I'll let Chiron explain at camp."

"Camp? What camp? Who's Chiron?" She demanded, tugging her arm back and crossing them. "What is going on?"

Kai looked around, making sure they were alone. "You want the whole thing?" She nodded once, her eyes narrowed. "Okay. You're a demigod, your dad is a Greek god, though we don't know which one yet, and you were just nearly killed by an empousa, which even for your kind, is not good. Can we go now? Before one of her sisters comes looking for us?"

Violet had never gone through so many emotions at once. Shock, outrage, confusion, and strongest— resentment. Her father? Her mother refused to tell her about his identity—only that he was an alcoholic whose lifestyle wasn't fit for a child. That didn't stop her from forming a deep resentment of the man for leaving her mother to raise her all by herself. Though he sent her a card every May for her birthday, she had just one memory of him—a pair of eyes so similar to her own. She knew they weren't her mother's, for she had the warmest pair of brown eyes to exist, while Violet had eyes that were an unusual shade of dark purple, almost black. In fact, she looked almost nothing like her mother. Violet's dark locks were the exact opposite of Diane's short blonde hair and Violet had already matched her height at thirteen.

One of the few ways that one could tell that they were related was the way they carried themselves. The proud glint in their eyes could not be snuffed out; the hard set of the jaw when challenged; the furrow of the eyebrows when thinking, and the stubbornness. Oh gods—the stubbornness.

The two couldn't be anything but mother and daughter, and this was obvious when they were with each other. Kaius found this out upon meeting Diane Foley for the first time, months ago.

That's where he was taking Violet, to her house to pack.

( july 4, 2020 )

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

( july 4, 2020 )

wig ive had this entire chapter as a draft since august of 2018 but i just ?? never published it. i am well aware that this chapter is Not Good and my 2018 writing is highkey super cringy to me now but this fic is going to be fast paced until we get into the titans curse bc i want the whole fic done Now so im just gonna go w it😛✌🏻

anyways please enjoy i pinkie promise the writing will get better😖

also quick question, how do yall read fics? like on your phone, on a computer, is it in dark mode, stuff like that!!

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