First Day At School!

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A/N ! Budo Masuta is a girl in the story! H/c (hair color) H/l (hair length) E/c (Eye color)

Monday 8.30 AM

~Y/n's PՕV~

I rubbed my eyes and stood up. «.......»
«H-Hanako!» I screamed. «Wake up, Onii-Chan! Wake up,» Hanako, my little sister, whined.
She ran to Taro's bed. «Hanako. He's gone,» I said groggily.
«He's gone to school already? Oh no! What time is it??» «8:30. Get your stuff and leave! We are late!» I got up and rushed to the bathroom and started brushing my h/c hair. «Hurry up!» I heard Hanako say. «Coming,»
After brushing my teeth, I put on my school uniform. It was a sailor shirt, and a blue, short skirt. I quickly splashed some water in my face and left.
Me and Hanako went together for a while, til we met her best friend, Yuriko, and said goodbye. I looked up in the sky and thought about the bento mom packed me. Since my alarm clock woke me up too late, I didn't have time to eat breakfast. That cloud looks like angry Osano, I thought, and smiled.
Wait. Osano! Gotta run!, I panicked and started to run towards Osano's house, still looking at the cloud.
But suddently I felt, and I landed on my head. It hurts, I rubbed my neck and got up. Didn't expect anything else, when I bump into someone like that. «Sorry! I didn't look where I was going. I am such an idiot. Do you need a hand?» I asked politely.
I froze when she didn't answer. «Are you...Okay?» She looked up, and my eyes widened.

~Ayano's POV~

I was on my way to school, feeling nothing. As usual. The world just seemed dull and grey to me. I wasn't even happy I got into such a fancy school. I never were, and I was done faking. I don't have any emotions. What was the point with living? None.
Well, as my stupid mother said, it was a 'point'. That one day I'll meet someone special. Someone who made me feel. If I was still 9 years old, I would belive in that. But I'm not.
There's no point in living.
Since I was deep down in my thoughts, I didn't notice I crashed into a person.
My school books flew everywhere, my notebook, my pencils, everything I had in my bag missed. «I forgot to close it..» I mumbled. The person gave me a hand, and I was about to refuse when I looked up.
It was like a dream.
She was fantastic.
The girl, who probably was a little older than me, had gorgeus looking, e/c eyes, and h/l, h/c hair. She was like a princess. Or a godess. Anyway, she was the sweetest thing. Shocked, I felt that I was blushing. My heard pounded to my chest. The world was no longer grey. Everything was pink and blossoming, everything was perfect. I could feel.
And I can't.. I can't live without her.
And then she talked.
She asked me if I was okay.

«I'm more than okay!» I whined girlishly. «Uh..I..» I stuttered, when she glanced at me. «Yes..I'm o-ok-okay, thank y-you...»
«Good! I was a little worried there. Do you go to my school, Akedemi High? You have my uniform..» I blushed and stepped back. «Yes.. I-I-I'm a s-secon-d yea-r...» I stuttered, and blushed again.
The girl nodded, and said; «I am Y/n Yamada, a third year. So..what's your name, Kohai?»
«A-Ayano. Ayano Aishi.»
«Nice to meet you, Aishi-San.» Senpai giggled. «Sorry bumping into you. But I got to fly! See you at school, Aishi-San!» She waved me goodbye, and ran.
I quickly packed my stuff into my bag again, and ran after her.

Senpai didn't notice me, and when she stopped running, but continued walking, as if she was meeting somebody, I hid behind a bush.
And I began spying on my Senpai.
I was right, she was meeting someone.
«Y/n-Senpai!» I heard an annoyed boy shout. He had ginger hair that nearly reached his shoulders, and an red and white polka dotted scarf wrapped around his neck.
«You are late! Too late! We need to run because of you! Argh! You BAKA! Youv'e been like this since we were little kids!» He stamped his foot angrily like a 3 years old. When Y/n looked ashamed at him, he blushed.
«Sorry, Osano.. Maybe we shall stop walking to school together, since I oversleep often?» she mumbled sadly.
«N-no! That wasn't what I meant! Eh..I.. Senpai. Let's just..walk to school already!» Osano said. Senpai smirked, «That's what I thought.»
Osano blushed and pinched her playfully in her stomach.
«Ow! That hurt!» they let out a laugh, and ran to school.
«I am so much faster than you, Osano!»
They had fun, but I didn't listen.
I felt a new emotion rule insinde of me.
He loves my Senpai.
He loves my future girlfriend.
And above all-
He loves what makes me feel.
He needs to get out of my way.
And I know how.

An evil grin spread across my face.
Yes. He is already gone.

~Y/n's POV~

Me and Osano finally reached school, and after the entrance cermony, we said goodbye, since we are in different classes. I went to class 3-2, knowing I was right on time. It felt good.
I took my seat next to Riku Soma, a purple headed boy with matching eyes.
He looked at me, and said: «Hey Y/n! Osano told me to tell you to meet him at the rooftop at lunchtime! He said you were very fast to leave him alone,»
I saw him smile slightly.
«Hey..Are you feeling okay?,» He asked. «Yes. I just felt like someone was watching me..» Riku looked at you suspiciously, and you sighed.
«Look, it's probably nothing, But I bet it wont stop. Iv'e been feeling like that since I got to school this morning.»
Riku nodded, «I understand. If you keep feeling like that, you shall consider it.»
«And when did you turn into a phycraiatist, Soma-San?» a voice called from the classroom door.
Umejii, the leader of the delinquents , came in with two of her delinquents  pals on her two sides. «Where's the teacher anyway? At this time she should be nagging about me being late,» she snickered.
«Seriously? You don't even care?» Kuroko Kamenga, the student counsil's vice president, said.
«Yeah! You should be worried.» Riku supported him.
«No, I shall not. I don't give a fuck, okay? What you gonna do 'bout that? Expell me? Take me to Megamo? Whatever. Since the teacher doesen't come, I am outta here. Have fun doing nothing-»
«Class. Wait. Don't go.» Budo Masuta came in, looking horrified.
«Budo-Chan! Where have you been?» Taro shouted.
Budo froze.
«Our teacher, Kaho Kanon..
Is dead.»


OKAY! So this was the first chapter. I hope you enjoyed it!
And I am really sorry if I have grammar mistakes over here..
Hope it's not confusing with the gender swap's. I know that Kokona is in the same class as Senpai, but Riku is Kokona..
If that makes sense.
Tell me if you want the next chapter to be longer/shorter and I'll do it.
Thank you for reading!

~Ayano Aishi

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