chapter thirty one

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A/N: this is dedicated to SammyVengeance because she has an awesome book called 'Now You're Perfecting a world... meant to syn' it's an Avenged Seven fold fan fic.. I don't usually read fan fics but this one is absolutely hilarious. Seriously I advise you to check it out... *pupyy eyes*


Ryan's POV;

My wolf fought against me as I tried to gain control. How the hell did this happen? I flinched as Lexi had tears streaming down her cheeks as her dad told me what happened.

How could he blame her? None of this was her fault, she was a little girl! How could he hurt his own flesh and blood, the last remainder of his mate?

"I didn't mean to!" Lexi screamed catching my attention.

My wolf whimpered as more tears rolled down her soft cheeks.

"Yes you did you brat! You're the reason my Amy is dead and not you!" her father snarled before plunging the knife into her stomach.

I lost control and gladly let my wolf take over, sprinting towards Lexi I snarled and wrapped my teeth around her fathers neck. Matt had run forward and pulled the knife out of Lexi but my attention was on this son of a b*tch.

My teeth clamped around his neck, puncturing the skin. I felt the blood seep through his skin, the horrible metallic taste spreading through my mouth. I could feel the life seeping from his skin and was surprised he wasn't fighting back. I wasn't complaining though, it made the kill all easier for me.

Finally tired of the blood in my mouth I snapped down on his neck, causing him to release a small cry before falling limp in my arms. I let him fall from my mouth and scanned the room for Lexi. I growled as I saw her laying in Matt's arms.

Shifting I stormed over and scooped her up in my arms, I was ready to run out when I heard a soft cry. Spinning around I gasped as I saw Holly lying on the floor, blood trickling down from her forehead and her body shaking.

"Holly? What are you doing here?" I said softly as I approached her.

I nearly fell back as she launched herself at me, wrapping her arms around me; careful to avoid Lexi.

"I-I'm sorry R-Ryan. I c-came here t-to help and then t-they caught me. I tried to protect L-Lexi before you came b-but he hit me and threatened to kill her. I'm so s-sorry" she sobbed as her tears soaked into my shirt.

"Shhh it's okay Holly, you tried your best. Here go over to Matt, I've got to get Lexi help" I planted a kiss on her head and waited until Matt had wrapped an arm around her waist softly and scooped her up before running out of the house.

"Come on baby, wake up. Don't you dare die on me. Come on baby" I whispered as I wiped the hair from her face, my other hand was wrapped around her wound.

I stared at the fallen wolves on the ground, dead because of this sick man. I knew we had a lost a few, but none compared to the hundreds of dead rogues. I nodded my head at the surviving wolves and at the other pack leader as I ran through the forest.

'Chris go open the safe house; remember to wear the gloves and when you do tell Amy to meet me in my room with medical supplies immediately.'

He replied a quick okay before I shut off my mind link. My eyes remained forward as I tried not to stare down at my precious mate laying in my arms. I reached the pack house within minutes and watched as the members parted like the red sea, allowing me to carry my mate upstairs. I saw mum tearful at the bottom of the stairs but didn't have much time to focus.

Amy was waiting for me in the room so I quickly but gently laid her down on the bed. I smoothened out her hair as I held her hand in mine staring at Amy when I heard no movement.


"I need you to leave. Go clean up and check your wounds, I'll call you when you can come see Lexi"


I watched as she stared at me, unsure for a moment before grabbing some stuff.

"Right I need you to hold her down, the knife had Wolfsbane in it which should be spreading around her body. She's already lost a lot of blood, it'll be a miracle if she survives"

I growled at her, Lexi would survive. She had to! I lent my body across hers, careful not to lean down on her. I could hear a pulse, it was faint but there.

"Come on baby. Stay awake for me"

I stared at her closed eyes as Amy began to move about, I then placed my hands gently on hers, pressing my body down across her chest softly but firmly.

I let my eyes drift away to Amy who was holding a long needle, I flinched as she injected into Lexi's arm. My eyes flickered to Lexi as her eyes suddenly shot open and she began to scream, thrashing her body around.

"Ryan hold her down!"

Nodding at Amy I put more pressure on Lexi holding her down as her screams rang around the room.

'Kill her! She hurt my mate!' my wolf growled trying to take control of me.

'stop it you idiot, she's helping Lexi'

My wolf did shut up but continued to growl and whimper every time Lexi screamed.

"Shh baby, I'm here. It will all be over soon baby" I continued to whisper over and over as her body shook.

Eventually her screams subsided and her thrashing ceased, looking at her I watched as her eyes shut.

"What's happened?" I snapped at Amy, frantic as to why my baby had closed her eyes.

"We have to wait. The medicine should be fighting off the Wolfsbane as we speak, but it's up to her body if she can survive. I'm sorry Ryan there's nothing more I can do"

I nodded my head and dropped down on a chair and pulled it close to Lexi, I clasped her hands in mine as I ears Amy shut the door.

How could this happen? The one person I loved more than anything in the world and would die for was in this state. And it was my fault. Dropping my head onto the mattress I tenderly caressed her fingers willing her to wake up. She couldn't die. She just couldn't.

I glanced up as the door opened, Holly popping her head around the side.

"How is she?" she whispered as she walked towards me, pulling up a chair as well.

"She hasn't moved or anything. Amy says its up to her whether she survives or not."

"I'm sorry Ryan"

"For what?" I turned to face her, still holding Lexi's hand in mine.

"Not being able to save Lexi" she croaked out before the tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Hey, shhhh. It's not your fault. You did the best you can" I said softly as I pulled her in for a hug.

She quickly wrapped her hands around my waist and cried softly, until her cries became non existent and the sound of her shallow breathes allowed me to know she had fallen asleep. Letting go of Lexi's hand I gently scooped Holly into my arms and carried her over to a spare bed, tucking her in and hugging her before going to sit by my baby.

Scooping her hand into mine I stroked it and lent over to kiss her head. I longed for her to open her eyes but she didn't. She didn't greet me with her beautiful smile, or her gorgeous eyes. No instead she stayed unconscious, her shallows breathes and non existing pulse barely heard.

"I love you so much Lexi. Please don't leave me, I'm sorry I failed you. But please baby girl, I can't live without you. Please don't go." I whispered before breaking down into tears.


Updated 28th July 2012 ... I know it's short and I already have the next chapter planned I just need to write it. Heehehe Ryan thinks Holly's good ;) lol I hate writing in Ryan's POV its so difficult.. anyways enjoy :D

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