Breakfast & Strawbabies <3

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A/N: Finally wrote one of the requests for  @SmexyKookie <3 I really hope you like it! Everyone else enjoy ^_^

"Daddy~...Daddy~..." Jin whispered as he poked at Hoseok's face. The rapper groaned and turned his head away from him. Jin pouted and poked at him again. "Daddddyyy..." Jin whined as he gripped onto his stuffed monkey. Hoseok grumbled something and kept sleeping. The Little huffed when he failed on waking him up. A pout remained on his plump lips as he looked around the dim lit room.

It was six in the morning, the Little was up and hungry for breakfast. Jin shuffled around in bed before he came to the side of it. Planting his feet down on the floor, he got up and scurried to his other Daddy's room. Little patter of feet crossed the hallway to the closed bedroom door. Jin carefully opened the door and peeked inside.

Namjoon laid on his back sound asleep. Jin made his way into the room and to his bed. He kneeled on the empty bed side and poked Namjoon's cheek. The leader groaned a bit and turned his head to the side a bit. "Dadddy...Jinnie hungry~..." Jin whispered with hope that he would wake up.

Namjoon did not wake, he shifted a little in bed, before heaving a sigh. Jin poked his cheek again to get him to wake. "Mmhm..." Namjoon groaned once more, he woke up just a little. "Daddy, wanna eat eat!" Jin grabbed his head. "Uh huh..." Namjoon sleepily needed. Jin huffed and poked at him as he pulled his hand. "Daddy, eat eat time!" The Little whined. "Yeah...go eat, kay? I'll be down later." Namjoon turned away from Jin and went back to sleep.

"Ughhh.." Jin groaned, he gave up and got off the bed. He grabbed his monkey by the arm and left out of the room. Jin quietly shut the door and wondered down the hall with a sad face. He stopped at Jungkook's room, he smiled and opened the door. Jin looked inside, there he saw a sleepy Jungkook sitting in his bed. "Jungkookie!!" Jin chimed. He was so happy to see someone awake.

Jin rushed to the bed and climbed onto it. He stared at the closed eyed boy, who sat there scratching his side. It was quiet, til Jungkook let out a soft whine. "Kookie?" Jin tilted his head a bit. "Have to pee..." Jungkook mumbled. "Kay, go pee." Jin smiled but it faded a little when Jungkook frowned. "Nuh uh, too dark...don't want potty monster to get me.." He whispered a bit.

Jin perked up and giggled at Jungkook's cuteness. "Jinnie will take you pee...c'mon.." Jin got off the bed and went to the door. Jungkook got himself untangled from the bed. The blanket was halfway on the floor now. Jungkook tried to get up and walk but he stumbled on the blanket falling against the bed. The Little groaned and began to whine.

"Silly baby.." Jinnie giggled and went to help him up. He held Jungkook's hand and led him out the door, into the hallway. The two slowly went down the hallway to the bathroom together. Jin turned on the bathroom light for Kookie. "Dere, no potty monster...go pee pee!" Jin stepped out of the bathroom. Kookie looked down and poked his fingers together. "Mhmm, will Jinnie wait for Kookie to finish potty?" He asked. Jin nodded with a big grin.

Kookie smiled at that and went into the bathroom. A few moments later, the toilet flushed and the sink water ran. Jin peeked inside the bathroom. "All done!" Kookie chimed happily and held up his wet hands. "Good boy!!" Jin cheered and giggled, he grabbed the towel for Kookie to dry his hands.

"Why Jinnie up so early?" Kookie asked as he dried his hands. As if on cue, Jin's tummy growled in hunger. "Ohh..." Kookie giggled. "Jinnie wanna eat eat!! Lets go eat eat!!" Kookie grabbed Jin's hand and lead him out of the bathroom.

The two carefully went downstairs to the kitchen. Kookie turned on the light. "What Jinnie wan to eat??" The Little asked. Jin hummed to himself, his tongue sticking out as he thought about it. "Oh! Nanas, toastie Peanut buttor!" Jin piped up with a smile. "Ohhh dat is yummy." Kookie rubbed his own tummy, he too was hungry.

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