Unpleasant Dreams, Thoughts & Feelings ♡

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A/N: HAHA! I have finally updated! Bout dang time right?? Sorry loves! I hope this is good, I dont know where I was going with this one ! But I hope you enjoy! ♡♡♡

"Vroom! Phew phew!!" Jungkook made little noises as he crashed his toy car and robot together. "Kookie, it's time for bed now." Jimin called out to him as he came into the living room from the kitchen. Kookie went a little quiet with his noises but continued to play with his toys as if he didn't hear him. Jimin tsked and went to stand in front of him. "Kookie...it is time for bed...I know you heard me." Jimin said in a slight stern voice as he looked him in the eyes. A pout spread across his bottom lip. "B~buh Daddy, I no wanna go to bed...I...I not tired." The Little whined a bit.

Jimin kneeled down and shook his head. "Now now, you know the rules bed time is at 8:30...it's almost 9...you're lucky that I don't give you a small punishment for not being to bed on time." Kookie huffed and put down his toys. "Kay Daddy..." He sulked as Jimin reached out to help him up from the floor.

Jimin got the Little tucked into bed. He kissed his forehead and smiled, he sweetly caressed his cheek. The Little stared up at his Daddy from beneath his blanket with slight sad and worried eyes. Jimin took notice to the look in his eyes. "Something wrong baby?" He asked. Kookie was quiet, he only shook his head no. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" Jimin asked as he gently rubbed his cheek. The Little only nodded to him.

"Mmmkay, well goodnight...Daddy loves you." Kookie hugged his stuffie real tight and watched as his Daddy left his room. The door slowly shut, closing out all of the light in his room.

Jimin stood at the door, quiet and he glanced off to the side. Taehyung came walking down the hall way to his room, yawning. "You put Kookie to bed...huh?" He asked as he stopped and rubbed his eye. "Yeah...I did...do you know...what's wrong with him?" Jimin asked with worry claiming his features. "Ah, you noticed too...I honestly don't know, he's been like this the for quite a bit when he's in Little Space." Taehyung crossed his arms. "He won't tell me anything...He says he's okay..." Taehyung yawned once more. "Well, I really hope he is...maybe he should come lay in the big bed with us in the spare room?" Jimin asked. "Mhmm, yeah that's a good idea but for now...he's fine in his room...I'm not ready for another back ache." Taehyung smiled lightly and rubbed his back. Jimin chuckled and begin to head to his room. "Alright, well goodnight Tae..." Jimin bidded goodnight.

Taehyung stood there for a moment before reaching out to grab his wrist. "We can share the big bed tonight...uhmm..." He let go of his wrist. "Only if you want to..." He gave an nervous smile to the smaller male. Jimin raised a brow in slight surprise, a soft blush filled his cheeks. "Yeah...sure." He smiled and took Taehyung's hand leading him to the spare room.

Later that night.

Kookie shifted around in bed, he was restless. He whined and groaned in his sleep. He gripped and fumbled around with his blanket. Sweat formed on his face as he lightly panted. Kookie begin to cry in his sleep. His face scrunched up before he let out a loud scream. Kookie sat up screaming bloody murder, he crying. He threw the blanket off of him and thrashed around in the bed.

The door suddenly slammed opening revealing a worries leader, Taehyung and Jimin. "Jungkook!!" Namjoon called out as he went up to him. Kookie fell back onto the bed, crying and whining. "Daddy! Daddy!!" He cried out. Taehyung and Jimin rushed up to him but they were stopped by Namjoon. "Don't touch him...he's still asleep..." He told them. Confused expressions crossed their faces, they looked closer at Jungkook.

Jungkook still had his eyes closed, still sleep but thrashing about. "Wh~what do we do...we need to help him." Taehyung frowned as he watched Jungkook. "Wait it out...just make sure he doesn't hurt himself." Namjoon said as he went to the bed and kneeled beside it. Jimin and Taehyung sat on either side of the bed. They watched and waited, this was quite worrisome and saddening. They didn't like watching their baby suffer like this. They wanted to help him. Jimin reached out and rested his head on top of Jungkook's head. He ran his hand and fingers through his hair in a soothing manner.

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