School is complex

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Let's kick this off, year 10 starting my secondary school exams and participating in the 2nd tier of the british karting championships, arriving at the picturesque Sussex boarding school meeting my new room mates. Ben,James and Micheal, only 1 other aspiring sports athlete in Micheal who wanted to become professional in the world of tennis. First afternoon/Evening was always going to be overwhelming, new school, environment and students to get along with, before long it was time for roll-call, I had no clue what was going on so I just aimlessly followed everyone into the common room, 150 students all cramped into the room like cattle, in comes house master, Mr.Fitzgerald, looking less than impressed with us all, after roll-call was complete all the newbies went on a tour of the campus, amazed at the size of the campus it wasn't too long to get to grips with how to get to every classrooms.

Night fell and I checked out the gym, the facilities looked fantastic and was eager to get on the treadmill for the first time, I slowly walked back from the sports hall/gym to my dormitory pondering what lied ahead. James was from China and decided to have dinner at 3am, which pissed me off a bit but I let it slide. 7:30 and it was time to get up, breakfast started at 8am and finished at 8:30, time for a quick shower and get into my freshly pressed uniform, the short walk to breakfast and time to catch up with Micheal about his tennis career, he seemed very confident in the way he presented his career and the path he was taking. On the other hand when the roles were reversed I played everything down and see the British open champion as "no big deal" just a mere achievement, Micheal was flabbergasted and didn't believe me for 1 second as replied " let's see some proof" so I whipped out my phone and got the results up, Micheal started to crack up with laughter " 4 people, you beat 4 people" I was like " the championship clashed with another event and as per the regulations 2 classes with minimal entries have to be put in the same race" Micheal still disregarded my comment and walked off, I tried not to let the comments effect me as I know what I was capable in a kart.

After breakfast we had another roll call, which lasted for about 5 minutes due to the quantity of students from year 9-upper sixth, Mr. Fitzgerald instructed we all go down to the sports hall for the weekly Monday morning assembly, there was an estimated 750 students split over 5 year groups, as I was in Dorm House, we were placed right at the back of the sports hall in a stadium-Esk arrangement overlooking all the other students and members of staff. After 10 minutes of waiting incomes headmaster Mr. Bosserman, he walked with a distinct style and manner, I was hanging on every word he said about hard work and dedication.
After assembly it was time for my first Lesson in ICT with Mr.Reid, as we entered the IT suite I was amazed to see the range and technology the school had, it was a huge step up to what I experienced at my old school, a brief introduction into the syllabus and it was time for my next lesson Georgaphy with Mrs. Donaldson, just an ordinary class room over looking the playground this time nothing too special but this time I was sat next to Tom who was in the same dorm house as me and talked about which girls we would sleep with, he seemed very reserved at first but once the banter got decent he seemed to become more relaxed in his approached. 90 minutes flew by and it was time for break, we all went back to the house and got ready for my next to lessons maths and English, after 10 minutes of getting ready we were all kicked out in time for maths which was a 10 minute walk across the opposite side of campus, I was placed in the 2nd highest group for mathematics which was a surprise as I was very hard working and thought I would be placed at the bottom and work my way up, never the less girls out numbered boys in the class which didn't seem too out of place for me but the lads piped up and complained to Mr.Patrick, I was more than happy to flirt with Jessica and get to know her a little, before long it was time to actually put some work in and do some algebra, being a little rusty I decided to learn from Jessica, 90 minutes came and went and it was time for English with Mr. Hammond, all we had to do in English was stand at the front of the class and describe who we are and what we got up to in the summer, nothing too hard but me being me I decided to big myself up and not everyone was impressed but at the end of the day "who cares?!?!" 12:15 came and it was time for lunch hour, I decided to walk across campus back to my room put my bag away and queue jump a little and join my friend Tom who was also with his friend josh, we all got acquainted and had lunch together and talked about sports, after lunch we all hanged out in the common room listening to tunes having a mini rave, unbeknown to me there was also a village shop which was on my to do list to go and visit.
Before long lunch was over and it was time for P.E, I had no idea what to expect so I took my bag and gym gear and walked to the classroom, the lecture was only 1 hour long and we talked about the anatomy of the body along with muscle groups. After took long it was the end of the day at 2:15 and it was time for football trials, something I could really sink my teeth into, a short walk past the Village shop and onto the football field and was thrown straight into the deep end at left midfield, one of my favourite positions but was completely overwhelmed and had no idea what to do and by the end I felt like an embarrassment to myself.
Anyways not to worry my main focus is on karting. Weeks went passed and I grew in confidents at the school and got my head down in terms of education, before I know it, it was time to pack my race gear and head off to the final round of 2nd tier national championships,
Was currently 8th in the championship but at the end I finished 12th, not impressed but at the time I still managed a seeded position in my first ever national championship.

Winter came along and so did the snow and surprise surprise school was cancelled, no warm showers in the house but a year 9 jack found a genius hack and used the sports hall showers as they used a different boiler and water system, we played football and cricket on our relaxed day off, some of jacks friends came along and played cricket and football with us, most likely one of my favourite days at school (not that there was many) anyways, darkness fell and as we left the sports hall it was still snowing, the short walk back to the dorms was one of a relaxed atmosphere,

February saw a geography trip to Chichester beach and to measure sand dune, typical british weather of high winds and rain accompanied us at the beach. Karting wise saw 1 day of testing and I showed promising pace on the brand new chassis rolled up from the factory in Italy and I was very content with the up coming championship starting in March.

P.E coursework was a write off, the examination board stated karting "is not a sport" which I was a bit bemused by. Anyways I was becoming less and less popular with a "I hate George " Facebook page and I get the blame for setting it up confusingly enough, the more I stayed at the school the more depressed I started to get

March-June nothing really happened at school, just the daily gym routine followed by little/ nothing to do on the weekend

First year of boarding school drew to its conclusion and I was upset with how unpopular I had become, karting wasn't fairing much better with a lonely 46th position after 2 rounds of top tier national championship when coming into the year my goal was 15th.

Summer saw mixed fortunes on karting as I finished 18th and 16th respectively in the 2 rounds held over the summer slowly pushing me up to 32nd in the championship and a 3rd place in the 2nd tier of british karting in Genk, Belgium so the summer was full of highs and lows in karting and now it as back for year 11

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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