Personal Responsibility

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God has a path for each and every one of us and he gives us opportunities all the time to further that path and sometimes we can miss them. How? because opportunity looks like hard work. So how do I take these opportunities? Well firstly with hard work and personal responsibility. God isn't just going to give you what he wants you to do and lay it out neatly for you. It will take a lot of work. Think of it as Dorothy on the yellow brick road, there will be obstacles and sometimes you may stray but remember this verse. 

1 Corinthian 10:13 (NLT) says "The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure."

 What does personal responsibility mean- discipline, drive, direction, taking responsibility and saying I have the chance to do anything with God I just need to take that chance and WORK with it. This may mean you have to spend less time on a device so you can study to get to where you need to be or move away from your family and friends to continue that path. Whatever hand you have been dealt, know this, someone else could take that exact hand and use it for greatness, so why not take what you have and work toward whatever God has planned for you.

 Personal responsibility also means taking responsibility for mistakes and your life. this means no more blaming- no, it's too hard, I was never taught that my parents didn't help. Think of it this way - whatever path you are on if you really want something you will find a way to get it, you won't accept no or failure and you will find a way. If you don't get that think of it this way.

THE DAY you take complete responsibility for yourself, THE DAY you stop making excuses, that's THE DAY you start your climb to the top.

I was recently at a youth conference where Glen Gerreyn talked and I got a lot of this from what he said but the thing that stuck out most to me was this- There are three types of students (this may be in school or church but I want you to see which one you are)

1. The Proactive Student- they write notes and pay attention, they have their visions for the future and actions to get to them written down. They are methodical and measure everything.

2. The Procrastinator- these people create excuses, live in the moment and although they have visions for the future they are all talk and no action. Why do people procrastinate? This is becoming more and more common. Firstly they don't know how to time manage or create a routine and can be forgetful. Secondly, they have no directions (and this is partially why this is more and more common, because of the paradox of choice (I recommend looking this up or message me)). This is mainly because of the fear of making the wrong choice which leads to them making no choice and letting the world choose. Thirdly is the lack of knowledge as to how to achieve. And finally "Chunk not Lump" what I mean by this is that procrastinators have a habit of looking at things in Lumps/ looking at the full picture rather than in chunks/ in small pieces. Think of it this way If you have a 1000 word essay to complete over 4 weeks, that may seem like a lot but if you break it down its only 38 words a day, and you may do more than that in a day. 

3.The Passive - These people lack interest, only complete what they have to, and often it's because they have never had anyone believe in them

Here's another tip to becoming personally responsible. Don't mistake commitment for routine. A routine is a constant plan which you aren't engaged in. To be committed to something you must set a goal and not just go through the motions. Aim to win not for participation. Change your way of thinking to what am I going to improve today. For those of you who are studying or maybe you play sport or music think about this, you have to win in practice before you can win the performance. This means before you can pass that exam, win that game or perfect that performance you first must practice not until you get it right but until you can't get it wrong. 

Know firstly that you can do anything with God on your side. He has big plans for each and every one of us we simply have to take the personal responsibility and work toward those plans. Philippians 4:13 (KJV) says "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (also read Proverbs 16:3, 1 Kings 2:3, Isaiah 41:10, Jeremiah 17:7)


I praise you for you are my strength and your word is my guide when I feel lost. Lord continue to help me on the path you want me on. Lord help give me faith in you and faith in my own strength when I stray from your path. Lord give me the strength when I feel like I don't have any. 


(Hi guys, sorry it's been a long time but I am back at it. The Lord has placed this book back on my heart and I want to tell you all if you ever need encouragement, questions or want me to write about something please message me, I always enjoy talking to you guys and love the chance to help in anyway?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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