Chapter 27 (I'm sorry)

Start from the beginning

Louis nodded and gave him a tight hug, opening the door, "See you later, Alligator." He laughed and closed the door.

"In a while, Crocodile." He heard from the other side of the door and smiled to himself.

He walked downstairs to the lobby, checking in with the people at the front desk and making sure they knew who he was so he wouldn't have issues getting back into the hotel later on, but it seemed Harry had already notified them about himself.

Upon leaving the hotel, he saw multiple people with cameras who got excited for a moment when he walked outside, but then shrugged and looked away when realizing who he was.

A nobody, in the Hollywood world.

For now, anyways. Louis' sure they'll know who he is after he leaves with Harry later that night.

Finding his car only about a block away, he got in, starting it and taking the journey to his home. He turned on the radio, smiling when he found a station that just so happened to be playing his newest favourite song, 'Reminding Me.'

He loved the song especially because it was sung by Vanessa Hudgens, and it just brought back all of his childhood memories, giving him ultimate High School Musical vibes.

He didn't realize he woke up so late until he parked in the parking area near the dorms and looked at the time, realizing it was just a few minutes past 3:00PM already.

He got out and went up to his room, cursing silently to himself when realizing he didn't have his keys, and knocking lightly on the door, pounding on it when the door wasn't opened.

Liam opened the door in his boxers, poking his head out, "What do you- oh! Louis, hey! How are you? More importantly, how's Harry?" He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.

"I'm, good, Harry is great, why do you look like you just had sex?" He laughed and looked up and down at Liam.

Liam blushed, and as if it were perfect timing, Zayn walked into the room, also wearing only boxers and said, "Who was at the door love?", before looking at Louis awkwardly and blushing brightly.

"Oh. Bad way to meet. Er, hi, Louis. Nice to meet you, I'm Zayn." He said and held out his hand, and then as if reading Louis' mind laughed awkwardly, "My hands are clean, I promise."

Louis nodded and shook his hand, "Nice to meet you too. Did you two have.. fun?" He laughed loudly and looked at their now reddening faces.

He didn't wait for an answer as he walked into his and Liam's surprisingly clean bathroom, stripping down and getting into the shower, loving the feeling of the cool water running down his back.

About half an hour later, he had washed his body and his hair, shaved his legs and his face, and was walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, and another over his head.

He strode into his bedroom and flipped down on his bed, looking over at the mess on Liam's half of the room and wincing slightly at it.

He sighed and got up, going over to his drawers and opening them, looking through them frantically and worryingly, trying to find something at least a little bit nice so that he could look okay on his date.

Once finding something he thought was semi- decent, and mentally slapping himself for not having any nice clothing, he put on his outfit, and styled up his hair.

He then grabbed his small bag of makeup he had, because yes he enjoyed using makeup, and put on his concealer and foundation, he did his eyebrows and put a natural colour of eyeshadow on. He then finished off the look with a more natural Kylie Jenner lip kit for his lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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