Chapter 14

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*Louis POV*

I was mad.

Very mad.

Who was I mad at? H. I can't believe he is mad at me. It was just a kiss, not like I blew him! Also, I didn't even kiss back, in fact, I tried my hardest to push Josh away!

I can't believe him. Who does he think he is, getting mad at me for something I didn't even really want? Thats not cool, he has no right.

I wiped my eyes, wiping away the tears I had falling down my face. They started out as tears of sadness, but now they are just tears filled with rage and anger.

This is totally going to screw up us meeting. I was so looking forward to it, and now, I don't think we are ever even going to talk again.

I really like H, and I don't think he's ever going to want to talk to me again. If he doesn't want to, theres no point in trying to talk, or following him anymore, right?

So, I did the thing I thought at the time was the right thing to do.

I blocked H.

Of course, once I did, I instantly felt guilty. It felt so wrong to do, but at the same time, it felt so right.

Better keep it like this.

Besides, I think Im better off without H anyways. Ever since I have been talking to him, more problems have been occurring in my life. I don't want this. I was fine before, so without him now, I should be fine.

Yeah, I realize it will take time to come to the reality that I won't be talking to the guy I have started to fall for, but once I do, I'll be fine. I may have some break downs, but I'll be fine.

Honestly, it hurts not talking to H. He created a lot of my problems, I know, but talking to him made me forget them for a little while. He made me so happy whenever he texted me, always complimenting me and saying sweet nothings.

Im going to miss him, but I am a lot better without him.

I need to stop getting sappy, Im angry with him. He said some pretty mean things, and I could tell if we were in person, he would have been yelling at me.

He knows how I feel about him. Which means, he knows how much it hurts when he says that stuff to me. But no, he just continues to say it. No matter what I said to get him to calm down, he just wouldn't.

Im really, truly furious with him. Does he even take into consideration how Im going to feel after he says that to me, and how guilty I was, having to tell him Josh kissed me.

Im even more mad at Josh, though. He caused all of this. If he hadn't lied about only wanting to talk, if he hadn't kissed me, this wouldn't be happening. Instead of me and probably H too, crying, we would be giggling and texting each other.

Everything would be okay.

Suddenly, I heard a knock at my door. Figuring it was Liam who forgot his key again, I opened it up and was surprised to see Niall standing there, playing with his hair, obviously trying to fix it, and shifting from foot to foot, eagerly waiting for me to answer.

"Hey, Lou! I know Liam is gone but I was hoping we could hang out and- Lou! Whats wrong? You look like you've been crying!"

"Nothings wrong, Ni. Im absolutely fine."

He walked over, and sat on the couch next to me before continuing. "Louis, you aren't fine. I can see somethings up. Im your best mate, you can tell me anything. Whats. Wrong?"

"Nothings wrong Niall, really. Now, drop it, seriously!"

"Is this because of your boyfriend or whatever he is, H?"

I froze up, but reluctantly nodded my head, slowly, but he understood.

"Oh god, what happened?"

"Well, I was texting H yesterday morning and I heard a knock on the door. I answered the door and it was my ex, Josh. He wanted to come in and talk, so I let him. Then, he tried to kiss me, and I pushed him off and told him to leave."

"Okay, whats this have to do with H?"

"I felt guilty about it because it was a kiss, so I told H. He got all pissed off at me! Its not like I wanted the kiss to happen."

"Okay, but I get where he's coming from. He probably regrets it. He probably did it cause he really cares about you."

"You think?"

"I know. Oh god Louis, what did you do?"

I could feel my cheeks heat up, but I knew I had to be honest with him.

"I uh, I might have blocked him on Instagram, which is our only way to chat?"


"I was upset, okay? Im so sorry!"

"You need to unblock him, now. Im going now Louis, you better unblock him, bye!"

He got up, hugged me, and walked out the door, saying nothing else.

I turned on my phone and went to the Instagram app, searching Harrys username.

I clicked on his account, and clicked little button in the top right. I clicked on the option unblock user, and then clicked yes when it said are you sure, and immediately started smiling.

I know I did the right thing.

Now I just have to wait for him to notice.
Hello guys! Merry Christmas ya filthy animals! lmao no but really, Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays to people who don't celebrate. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Raina and I have decided to do something where every chapter we will both write it, and whoevers we like most will be the one we end up publishing. It makes it more fair, so we get the one we think is best for you guys. We hope to make this book the best it can be, because we want you all to enjoy, and have fun while reading it. We want you to be able to visualize the scenes like they are a real thing. Have a great day, and get lots of presents! ~Halley

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