Chapter 4

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         *Harry's Pov*




"Zayn, how much longer do we have to do this? The flash is making my eyes start to hurt and I'm tired of changing in and out of clothes." I walk over to him; he is standing by the photographer. "Just a bit more, Harry, then you're done till Monday." I roll my eyes walking back over to the white X on the floor, taking a few more pictures, before Zayn sends me to my dressing room.

Now, I know I'm a model and I know the job is all cameras, but you do eventually need a break. Between the paps, fan photos and this, it's almost like I can't get away. But being a world famous model is basically asking for cameras in your face 24/7, so I can't complain.

Once in the small room, I put on my normal outfit of black skinny jeans and t-shirt. After the clothes are on, I sit down on the small couch, grabbing my phone from the table beside it. I quickly put in my password, opening Instagram. At the moment my only thought was talking to Louis, @fuckingharry.

@harryfan_123 – Hey Lou!

@fuckingharry – Lou? Did you just call me Lou?

@harryfan_123 – Shit! Sorry, it kinda just happened!

@fuckingharry – No, no H, it's fine. I kinda like it. Anyway, how are you?

@harryfan_123 – Umm, tired. That's really it. I haven't really had a very eventful day. Wby?

@fuckingharry – Well, at the moment I'm in class, but the teacher can't see anything. Plus, I swear she's 86.

@harryfan_123 – She cant be that old and teaching... You're in college, right?

@fuckingharry – Yeah I am, but I'm not changing the age. I genuinely think she is in her eighty's.

@harryfan_123 – Ha! Well on a different note and just out of curiosity, uh, why do you like Harry? I mean you obviously thinks he's good looking but what else beyond that?

@fuckingharry – Well, I know I don't know him personally, but I think he is an amazing person.

It was immediately after he said that I could feel myself blushing.

@fuckingharry - Just from what I can see with how he acts around his family, friends and fans, he just seems so chill, sweet and very caring. Like he hates seeing fans cry and I love the fact that he will just hold them at times saying that it's all okay. I would literally do anything to hug him. You know what I mean?

I was speechless. I knew that there were fans that liked me for more than my looks but hearing someone basically saying it was really eye opening.

@harryfan_123 – Yeah, I do. But what I hate most is when fans are only here because they only think that he's hot. Like yeah, he is, but there is so much more to him. He is a person just like you and me.

@fuckingharry – EXACTLY!

@harryfan_123 – Whoa, calm down man.

@fuckingharry – Sorry, I just think I care too much sometimes, you know. Like you just love him so much so you get overprotective.

Once again I feel my cheeks heat up. No fan of mine has made my blush like this and I have talked to a few of them in my time.

@harryfan_123 – So you said that you were in college. What year?

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