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Chapter 6: Trapped

Ellie's POV

My eyes fluttered open, slowly I gained focus blurry images starting to become clear. I shook my head as it pounded repeatedly against my skull. I yanked my hands but they were chained and my feet chained as well down to the ground. I was in a white room the walls close together staring blankly in my face. My breathing got faster as I tried to tug my hands free. Then a large steel door squeaked open revealing a younger- looking hunter. He looked at me apprehensively keeping his distance. I squirmed, and stared directly at him my eyes piercing his gaze. He looked back scared but curious and I knew he was nervous because of the smell he gave off a clearly distinguished pungent odor. I struggled against my chains, I focused all my attention to shifting but something seemed to be resisting against me. I squeezed my eyes shut my muscles tensed but no matter what, my wolf inside seemed to be suppressed. Blood dripped out of my nose the crimson droplets falling onto my shaking hands. The hunter opened his surprisingly bright green eyes in shock.

"Hey I wouldn't try that, shifting doesn't work with a charm on those locks." He said crossing his arms over his muscular chest. I looked up at him tears brimming my eyes.

"Just tell me why you have me here." I whimpered then I became angry making the hunter step back a little.

"What do you want from me!" I screamed. After a long pause the young hunter slowly bent down and unhooked the chains from my feet not looking into my eyes. I just stared confused for a second till he pulled me to my feet effortlessly.

"It's not me that wants you but my boss.." He said finally turning his gaze to mine. I started to shake as the hunter pulled me out of the white prison and into a dark long corridor. Although I couldn't shift my sense of smell was still acute. Waves of musty, dank and moist scents filled my nose making me want to gag. Algae grew on the walls of the confining cave like structure I was in. Any hopes of thinking I was going to be rescued diminished rapidly as I was taken deeper and deeper into the depths of the cavern. Suddenly I turned my attention to the hunter who squeezed my chained hands tightly. That's when I noticed we had entered a cavernous room decorated with dancing flames that hung on the earthy walls. I tried to remain calm as hundreds of hunters turned to stare at me and my hunter acquaintance. Then the mass of hunters began to give way creating a path for another, presumably their leader. From out of the darkness stepped forward a black cloaked body. My knees became wobbly as the man removed the cloak from his head and continued to step forth in my direction. The torches on the walls cast ghastly shadows on his disfigured face. My eyes watched him closely as I began to realize his face wasn't disfigured but animal-like. The hunter that was holding on to me released his grip and stepped away slowly keeping his gaze on his leader. The creature like hunter approached me his lips curving evilly into a smile, he was so close now I could feel his warm breath flowing over my face. My spine prickled and I could barely keep my breathing steady.

"Hello Ellie." The creatures voice spilled out in a slurred speech. My eyes caught a glimpse of his long sharpened teeth which probably made it hard for him to talk. His face was patched here and there with dark fur and his eyes were what struck me the most, glowing bright yellow with his pupils as slits. I tried hard to stand my ground planting my feet firmly on the damp floor below.

"Who- who are you?" I stumbled out. He laughed it's echo filling the quiet stale air around the cavern.

"Why young lady I'm Thain." He said gesturing to himself and still giving a wicked smile.

"I'm surprised your father never mentioned me to you before.."

He said slowly walking around me, his yellow eyes piercing my gaze.

"My dad.. He doesn't know any hunters." I said my legs still shaking slightly. He laughed once more his fangs catching the light from the flames on the walls. He stopped becoming very serious.

"He knows his own brother!" He yelled his spit hitting my face, as I flinched from the outburst. My mouth gaped open all I could do was stare in shock.

~ Hey guys I'm back but sorry this is short it's just something I typed up real fast hope y'all like it and I will be updating soon!! ~Mackenzie

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2014 ⏰

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