together / chapter 50

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Erikas POV: jake stayed with me. He didn't leave for nothing. We just talked, he tried cheering me up. Just being with him cheers me up. I just love this kid so much. I'm so grateful.

E: your not gonna go home?
J: not until you do.
E: aww..
J: you broke up with him?
E: yeah i guess it was the moment we were in when I had first bumped into him, I didn't really love him. I love you.
J: and I love you.
E: I'm sorry for putting you into this.
J: no don't apologize, I'll do anything for you. Just to make sure your okay, to make sure you keep that beautiful smile.
E: thank you so much.
J: of course.
E: wait I have a sprained ankle, does that mean I'm gonna use crutches?
J: yes, but I'll take care of you.
E: I wanna go home
J: you have to wait until tomorrow
E: I'm gonna sleep.
J: that's fine, I'll be right here.

Jakes POV: erika fell asleep really fast. I got up and used the bathroom, I washed the blood off my hands and watered down my face. I went back to Erika and sat next to her.  I then got a call from Logan.

Call with Logan *
Jake: Hello?
Logan: why was the police here ?
Jake: it's hard to explain.
Logan: what happened where are you?
Jake: The guy Erika was seeing raped her. I'm at the hospital with her right now.
Logan: I'm coming. Do you guys need anything?
Jake: can you get me some clothes I'm staying over night.
Logan: yeah okay. Any food? Y'all hungry?
Jake: no. Erikas asleep I don't know about her.
Logan: okay well I'm coming right now.
Jake: okay thanks bro.
Logan: Yeah.

Jake hung up*

I need some new clothes, I feel so weird. Alissa also texted me, Ignored her. I just wanted to focus on Erika for now. Logan came about 30 minutes later I changed into the clothes and Logan sat and I told him everything.

L: I didn't know you and Erika broke up?
J: it happened New Year's Eve. That's why we left.
L: oh. She left you for a rapist?
J: I..guess. But I mean we were like a thingish.
L: what does that mean?
J: never mind.
E: hey logan.
J: your up?
E: now I am.
L: hey you okay?
E: mhm.
L: you hungry?
E: yeah.
L: I'll go buy some food what do you guys want?
E: I want McDonald's a burger and fries.
J: I'm not hungry.
L: you sure Jakey?
J: yeah I'm fine just get Erika her food.
L: okay I'll be back.
E: thanks.

Logan leaves.

J: how long have you been up?
E: just from now.
J: oh okay. Do you wanna turn the tv on?
E: sure.

I turned the tv on for her, after a while logan came in with her food. She ate. I'm just glad to see her be happy. Logan left eventually. It was just me and her. She fell asleep around 9pm. It was a long day for her. My poor baby. Wait not baby, my poor rik. I fell asleep after an hour or two later. The next morning I woke up with my neck hurting. The chair I was in was very uncomfortable. So I got up and stretched. It was like 12pm when I woke up. Erika was still asleep. The doctors came in and she woke up. They told us that she was released to go. Erika got up and put some actual clothes on, I helped her. They had a wheel chair to use, so she sat in it as I pushed her out and Logan picked us up. The car ride was very silent. I took her up to the apartment, and I laid her on my bed and she fell asleep. I let her rest as I cleaned up her room. I mopped, washed her sheets. I just like redid her room for her. Making it spotless. After I laid on the couch and slept. I woke up from my phone ringing. Erika was calling me. I got up and walked into the room.

J: why you calling?
E: I was just wondering where your at.
J: I was sleep on the couch. You okay?
E: know you could've slept on your bed.
J: no it's fine, I cleaned up your room it's spotless, I wanted you to sleep on a full bed.
E: thank you, but it's your bed, I'm okay if your with me. More than okay.
J: it's fine.
E: Jake get in the bed and cuddle.
J: okay

I laugh at her. I get on the bed carefully, I lay next to her and she slightly rolls over and rests most of her body on me.

Erikas POV: I feel safe with Jake. More than I ever felt. It's so weird, I thought that our love "wasn't there anymore" I was just confused. But I truly love him. He's the one.

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