Chapter one Part two

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Mrs.Curry inhaled deeply, "His wife dies in childbirth, daughter hangs herself in the attic 20 years later. I'd be bitter too," She nodded again. "I think I got some pictures," she continued walking away.

Sam and Dean exchanged a look before she returned, "Here"

"Thanks," Dean took the pictures from her as she opened the screen door and stuck her hand out. "Can we keep these?"

"Suit yourself."

"Now, why'd the daughter kill herself?" Sam asked, looking at the pictures.

"Oh I don't know. That was before my time."

"Did you ever notice anything odd in the house when you were cleaning it?" Dean questioned. Ah there it is, Alex thought. Was waiting for them to start asking the real questions.


"Like, you know, lights going on and off, things not being where you left them?" Yes Dean, just act like that's totally a normal question for a fed, Alex tried not to roll her eyes even though she didn't know how else he could have asked.

"No..." Mrs.Curry shook her head. "Well maybe there was one thing."

"What's that?" Sam narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Well sometimes I thought I heard like a....rustling in the walls." She looked up at Sam.

"Like a rat?" Dean offered.


"Must have been some big sons of guns out there huh?" Dean smirked a little.

"Wouldn't know. Never saw any." The woman shrugged.

"Would you happen to know where Mrs.Gibson and her daughter were buried?" Sam asked. Moose, you ask a lot of questions.

"Ah, they were both cremated."


"Alright." Sam said as they walked back to Dean's car.

"So it wasn't the mom or the daughter." Alex commented.

"Then whose ghost was it?" Sam asked. So many questions Mr.Moose. Alex smiled, laughing at herself.

"I don't know," Dean answered. "But I say we give that place a real once over and see." Although I don't know if I want Alex tagging along.


They all went back to the hotel and changed into normal clothes, Alex giving Leo a steak for dinner, before she joined the other two to head back over to the house that night.

"Crap," Dean muttered as they pulled up to the house to see a moving truck there with all the lights on in the house. "So what now?"

"We could tell them the truth?" You took the words straight from my mouth moose.

"Really?" Dean asked turning to his brother.

"No not really." Sam shook his head. Alex snorted.

They sat in silence until they heard a high-pitched scream from inside the house.

"Oh boy." Alex said jumping out of the car and running to the house, the two brothers following closely.

I knew this would happen. Dean thought as he pounded on the door. "We heard screams. What's going on?" He asked going inside the house, Sam and Alex following.

"Oh! You two! Did you touch my daughter?" The father of the house said angrily.

"What?! No." Dean defended himself.

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