My fake relationship (Chapter Two)

Start from the beginning

"Of course not," I said quickly. "As much as I hate lying, I keep my promises, Tim, you know that." 

"I do... but this isn't your average promise to keep," Tim shrugged.

I didn't respond and then I saw Tim look up at me and turned to face me. 

"Are you okay, Nina? Last night, you were... weren't as cold as you are now about this," he said. 

"I'm not being cold about it," I muttered. 

"Yes you are, Nina," Tim said desperately. "You won't look at me... I thought you didn't have a problem with it." 

"I don't!" I almost yelled at him. "I don't... I have a problem with lying." 

"I know, Nina," he said, bending down in front of me, "but can you imagine what would happen if everyone found out I was gay? I get it tough enough as it is at this school, if they all knew, I wouldn't be safe anymore." 

"But, Tim, you are who you are... it shouldn't matter what they think," I told him. 

"I know," he agreed. "It shouldn't, but it does. Look, I just want to keep it on the down low until I'm out of school. I'll consider telling Hayley to make it easier on you, but for now, just don't worry about." 

"But you're definitely fine?" I asked him. 

"Nins, stop worrying about me," he told me calmly. "It's never about you." 

"Well, it's not about me now," I pointed out. "Tim this is about you... coming out." 

"Look, Nina, if you really are having a problem, you can tell me," he said. 

"I told you, Tim, I'm just having a problem with lying, especially to Hayley," I stressed. 

"Okay, fine," he nodded.

Tim didn't follow me as I went to my locker to meet Hayley. She was already at hers, which was next to mine, and trust me we weren't lucky enough to get the lockers next to each other, Hayley just bullied the guy that used to have the locker next to me to swap with her. Of course with Hayley, she could get anyone to  usually do anything for her; all she had to do was show them her fists.

"Hey, is Tim, okay?" Hayley asked. 

"Yeah, he's fine," I nodded.

I could tell Hayley didn't believe me, but I could tell she also knew that I didn't want to talk about it, which I didn't. I opened my full sized locker and I heard Hayley go to say something, but I would've never heard her over the next sound I heard. 


I flinched, but not because they were calling my last name, or me for that matter, no, they were never calling me when my surname was yelled out throughout the hall, they were always calling Harry. Harry may be a good kid, but he got himself in the worst situations, and this had to be one of them. 

"Nina!" I heard Harry yell at me. 

He came over to me puffing, trying hard to catch his breath. 

"Help me, please," he begged. 

"Why should I?" I asked him. 

"Because I'm your brother," he said quickly. "Please, Nina?" 

"God, fine. Get into the locker," I ordered him. 

"Your locker, really?" Harry asked annoyed. 

"Do you want my help or not?"

He groaned, but Hayley and I shoved him into the locker and then leant against it as it didn't exactly lock with Harry inside. Hayley looked down the hall and turned to see the one guy Harry always had a problem with. Jacob was the big tough jock, who was always on the football team, but Harry always had the talent to upstage him. Even though I found Jacob to be a jerk, I had to admit he was hot, every girl knew he was hot, not as hot as Ringo though, well in my eyes at least.

"Nina Partridge," Jacob said, coming up in front of me. "Where is that brother of yours?" 

"What makes you think I know where he is?" I asked him calmly. 

"Well... if you see him, tell him I'm looking for him, and warn him to keep away from my girlfriend" he said. 

"Will do," I muttered, as he walked away.

I made sure he was gone before I opened the locker to let Harry out. 

"What did you do?" Hayley demanded. 

"I didn't do anything," Harry promised. "She kissed me." 

"Who... Ebony?" I asked confused. 

Harry nodded at me and I rolled my eyes slightly. Ebony was Hayley's and mine archenemy, and that hatred came from when we were small. I'd known her since before I could remember, but what I do remember is that we've never got along. Nothing changed, as we got older, well expect her looks. She had the perfect height, the perfect body, the perfect long blonde hair, and the perfect face, it was one boy's couldn't resist, including my brother. See, none of this shocked me. Harry was a ladies-man; well he liked to think he was anyway. I swear, he had gone out with every girl in our school. Okay, that was over exaggerating just a bit, but the truth was he was kind of like Ringo. Girls wanted him, the only thing with Harry was, he'd let them have him.  

"She kissed me! I swear," Harry claimed. 

"Oh, come on, Harry, it's no secret that you've always had a thing for her," I said. 

"And it's also no secret that's she never had a thing for Jacob," he pointed out. 

"She's always had a thing for Ringo," Hayley said thoughtfully. 

"Exactly, not you," I said, pointing at him. 

"Okay, I get it," he said, grabbing my finger and pushing it away. "But I still didn't kiss her." 

"Oh, God, Harry. I don't care, just stay away from her," I told him. 

"Yes, ma'am," Harry said, doing a salute.

I hit him and he smiled and then walked down the hall away from us. I turned to Hayley, who was looking back as he walked away. 

"He is such and idiot, and you still like him?" I asked her. 

She shrugged her shoulders. "He's cute." 

"Oh, come on, there has to be more than just 'cute' to get past how dumb he is," I complained. 

"He's not as dumb as you make him out to be, Nina," Hayley claimed, shutting her locker. 

"Whatever you say," I muttered. 

"Anyway, stupid Ebony should know to stay away from him, especially if she's still dating that idiot Jacob," Hayley said, leaning against her locker. 

"Jealous, are we, Hayley?" I teased. 

She pushed me slightly. "I'm not jealous, because he knows she isn't good enough for him." 

"Anyone is good enough for Harry," I told her, shutting my locker.

Score one for me from the way Hayley looked after that. I have to admit that was a bit harsh to say to someone who had been crushing on the same guy for about a year now. If I had it my way she'd already be dating him, but she made me promise I wouldn't meddle, and as it's already clear, I do keep my promises for as long as I need to.

My Fake Relationship with My Best Friend **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now