The Garage

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Now that the race is over, the three and Aech came to Aech's garage. "This is my workshop. Touch nothing." Aech said, letting them in. They walked further in and Art3mis stammered and ran forward. There in front of them was an Iron Giant. "Where did you find an Iron Giant?" She asked Aech. "Find It? I'm building it. That's a commission." Aech replied. "Ya think that's impressive, then wait till ya see the robot in my garage." Hades said. "Its even rarer." "Oh yeah, what? Voltron, a Megazord?" Art3mis asked. "Try the Strike Gundam." "Holy shit." Art3mis said in awe. "That is rare." "I collect rare vehicles, weapons, and relics." Hades said. "Oh yeah. Aech is top rated on the mod boards though." Parzival said. "People all over the Oasis pay him serious coin." He just remembered something. "Oh hey, check this out." Parzival ran over to a box. "Hey, Z, yo." Aech said. Parzival opened it. "The Galactica of course." "These are my babies, all right man?" Aech asked. "Sulaco, from Aliens." "Dude, how are you showing off my shit?" Aech asked. "Valley Forge, from Silent Running. Oh where's the Harkonnen Drop-Ship?" Parzival asked. "That thing is sick. Folds space like a boss." Art3mis and Hades just chuckled. He was like a kid in a candy store. "I mean, you can get from Incipio to Arrakis in three seconds..." Fingers." Aech said, shutting the box and making Parzival jump back. "You'll have to excuse him." "Yeah. He tends to be a real Bret Maverick." Hades said. "He also gets a little nervous around pretty girls." Aech said. "And you're the prettiest girl I've ever met." Hades said. "Trust me. Flattery will get you everywhere." Art3mis said. Aech snapped his fingers and held his hand out. Art3mis went in the menu and tossed her bike to him and he caught it. He pushed a button on his ear and looked at the bike. "I can fix it in 10 minutes." Aech said and walked away. "Yup. He's pretty great." Parzival said. "I assume you, shoulder blades, and hot shot are clanned up." Art3mis said. "Oh, Aech and Hades? Nah." Parzival denied. "I mean their really good, but I don't clan." Parzival said. "Wow, you're a real Chang Wufei." Hades told him. "Oh, cause you're Parzival, as in the knight who found the Holy Grail by himself." Art3mis said. "And Hades, the God of the underworld who guards the gates of Tartarus." "What about you, Art3mis? Goddess of the hunt. Clans must be killing to sign you up." Parzival said. "Favorite shooter?" Art3mis asked. "Excuse me?" Parzival asked. "James Halliday's favorite first person shooter." Art3mis clarified. "What?" "Oh. GoldenEye." Parzival said. "Playing as?" "Oddjob. Is this a test?" "Favorite game variant?" "Game variant was "slapper only." No weapons." "I know what "slappers only" means. Racer?" "Turbo. And his favorite food was Hot Pockets. Favorite restaurant was Chuck E Cheese. Song was Video Killed the Radio Star by the Buggles. Video was Take on Me by A-ha. Oh, oh... His favorite quote was from Superman. Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story..." "Others can read the ingredients on the back of a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe." Art3mis finished. "Trust me. She knows as much as you about Halliday." Hades said. "Lex Luthor." Parzival said. He raised a hand for a high five. "Cool." "What would you do? If you won. The whole contest, I mean." Art3mis asked. "I already know what Hades would do." "Oh, I mean, I've got tons of plans in the real world." Parzival said. "I'd... I'd move into a huge mansion, buy a bunch of cool shit, not be poor." He walked away. "Now I know why you stopped short."  Art3mis said. Parzival turned back. "I stopped because of Kong. No one ever makes it past Kong." He said. "That... That's... That's, like , a rule." "Well then you know it can't be true. Because Halliday hated making rules." Art3mis said. "I can't afford to zero out." Parzival said. By now they were in each other's faces. "You're afraid to lose your shit." Art3mis shot back. "No I'm not." Parzival defended. "Bullshit man." Hades chuckled. "Stay out of this." Parzival told him. "What happens when IOI offers you guaranteed coin for the keys to the kingdom?" Art3mis asked. "Nolan Sorrento takes over the world. A real Gunter would risk everything to save the OASIS from IOI." "Who said that?" Parzival asked. "Me." Art3mis said. "You need to grow a pair. You're not Scooby Doo." Hades said. Art3mis looked behind Parzival and saw Aech with her fixed bike. She walked over. "There you go. Good as new." Aech told her. Art3mis held her hand out and the bike compacted and flew into her hand. "Thanks for the fix-up, my man." She said and walked away. She put it in her inventory and closed the menu. She turned to Parzival and Hades. She moved a finger through Hades' hair and it sparked. "That's better." Art3mis smirked. I'll wave to you from the finish line, Mcfly." Art3mis said to Parzival. She turned to Hades. "You too Eastwood." She winked at Hades. Then she lifted her headset off and disappeared in particles. Aech put a hand on Parzival and Hades' shoulders and looked at Parzival. He chuckled. "That went well." He said. "Thanks to you, Captain Big Mouth." Parzival said slapping Aech's hand off him. "You too Skippy." He directed at Hades. Hades put a hand over his heart in mock hurt. "Ouch." He said. Parzival walked forward and stopped. "Shit. I gotta go." Parzival said. He removed his rig and disappeared. "I'm going too." Hades said and did the same.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2018 ⏰

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