The Race

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(A/N: If I make a reference, I'd like people to guess what they're from. It's mandatory, but it's fun.)
Jason was ready. He was sitting on the race track on his bike, waiting for his best friend. His bike is the GSX400 Katana. (A/N: I'm going to make my own references. Like this bike. It's used in an anime, even though it's a real bike.) Standing by him was Aech, their best friend. Finally, he made it. "I've been waiting." Jason told him. "Sorry. Not my fault that you're early." His friend, Parzival, said. Since this is a videogame world, Jason is called Hades. "I'm so glad there aren't any rules in the race." Hades said. Then he summoned the Blazefire Saber. "How'd you get here before me?" Parzival asked Aech. "Well I didn't make a pit stop at the hair salon." Aech responded. "What up Z?" "What's up Aech?" "Saved you a spot." Hades said. Parzival opened his menu and saw his gas. Then he closed his menu. "I gotta go to the back." He told the two."ugh so you can skim coins from crashed cars?" Aech asked. "That's just sad man." "Fuel's low." Parzival said walking backwards. "Oh but you still had enough to pay for that Something About Mary hairdo." Aech quipped. "How about you go back to Facts of Life." Hades added. Parzival just kept walking. A little later, they could see the city changing. And the bridge changing. "First to the key." Parzival said. "First to the egg." Aech said. "Fuck yeah." Hades replied. And they were off. They drove across the bridge and into the city. It didn't take long for people to crash. Hades was going in between cars. He unsheathed the Blazefire Saber and slashed to his lower right. He got an IOI car's tire. This made it spin out and fall off the bridge. He sheathed it again and pulled out Ebony and kept Ivory holstered. He pulled Ebony's trigger and shot through another racer's tire, so they spun out and he holstered Ebony. That was the last time he pulled out a weapon during the race. He's making it. He's now right next to Parzival. The friends looked at each other and nodded. They were now driving past obstacles. Hades swerved between obstacles and went down the ramp to the lower level of the bridge. Too bad there was a train. A car hit it head on and the train raised up and broke the bridge. Hades swerved to dodge and revved up his bike to increase it's speed. He made it alongside Parzival and a girl on the motorcycle. "Guys are you seeing this?" Parzival asked. "Oh yeah." Hades responded. Then the girl sped up. Hades was keeping up, but Parzival was right behind them. "Yeah, I see it. That's Kaneda's bike from Akira." Aech said. "Its a licensed skin over a standard frame." "No, not the bike. Forget the bike." Parzival said. "The girl, I think it's Art3mis." Parzival said. "It is." Hades said. "The Art3mis? The Sixer Fixer?" Aech asked. "The very same." Hades said. "Hey Art." He greeted. "Hades. How ya been?" Art3mis asked. "Good, good. You?" Hades asked. "Same ol', same ol'." Art3mis said. "Like us racing." "You're going down." Hades said smirking. "You're on." Art3mis said. "You know her?" Parzival asked Hades. "I've seen all her walkthroughs, her twitch streams." "Whoa Lassie. Down." Hades said. They finally reached the end of the bridge and went up a ramp and landed on the other end. But a lot of cars didn't. Then when they made it in the city a semi went In front of the three. Art3mis and Hades got close and lowered their bikes to the sides and Art3mis slid under. Hades went a different route. He stood up and jumped. He grabbed the side of the semi and flipped over it. Then his motorcycle went back on its wheels and he landed on it and revved up and was next to Art3mis. Then a wrecking ball hit a building and the rubble almost crushed Hades. He swerved to the right and kept dodging wrecking balls. Then he rode over a large gap in the road. Art3mis was stopped by an IOI car. Hades kept going. There it was. The T-Rex. It smashed an IOI car and Hades drove between its legs. It started chasing them. He escaped, but ended up seeing the Empire State Building. And on it was King Kong. He jumped off and started running next to the track. It ran through leaving a huge gap and destroying a car. Aech stopped. Art3mis and Hades took this chance to go past him and ramped over to the other side. They could see the finish line. Almost there. And there's Parzival's Delorean. "Bail! Bail out!" He yelled, walking out. "Bail!" He started running over. He grabbed Art3mis by the arm and they spun in the air and rolled on the ground. Hades stopped his bike and watched Art3mis' bike go over the ramp. And get grabbed by Kong. Who then dropped it, mangled. Art3mis stood up and took off her helmet and threw it on Parzival's chest. She walked over to her bike. "Damn, I loved that bike." Art3mis said. "Oh. Aech could..." Parzival started. Standing up. "Well he's my friend, but he could fix it for you." Art3mis held her hand out and Parzival placed her helmet in her hand. "Our friend." Hades corrected.

Rebel of the Oasis (Samantha Cook)Where stories live. Discover now