Chapter 3:Innocent Can Never Last

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Gerard had to still be in Jersey.

Frank would find him.


Gerard growled as his phone lit up.

Hey,Bob text me and told me you were a bit off today.....and that you saw a little boy.Are you okay?Have you been taking your medication?I love you Gerard.-Mikey

Fuck You.

He threw his phone across the room not caring if it shattered.

He violently snatched the bottle filled with amber colored liquid infront of him and began to take as big of gulps as he possibly could.

Gerard would never let anybody know that he only took his medication once a month instead of twice a day as instructed.

The only reason he took the fucking pill at all was so his drug test would show he was taking his medication.

He didn't need any fucking medication.

He placed the bottle  down and reached for his stash....only to find he was basically empty.


He ran a hand threw his hair frustrated.

He needed the high.

Your fucking pathetic.

Shut up.

You know its true you weak piece of shit.

He jumped to his feet and retrieved his phone that had luckily not smashed.

He scrolled threw his contacts before stopping on the name Bert.

The annoying dial rings were cut off after three rings and replaced by a voice asking,"Gerard?"

"Hey Bert."Gerard grinned wickedly.

"Hey man!How have you been?"

Gerard shrugged even though Bert couldn't see him.

"Alright I guess.You busy?"

He better not be,Gerard thought biting his nail anxiously.

"Not really.I just gotta drop off a dime to one of my friends.Why what do you need?"

"My usual."Gerard sighed in relief.

"Alright.I'll come by in 30 minuets...Oh and I have something else I want you to try."

Gerard agreed and the conversation ended.

Now he just had to keep himself distracted for 30 minuets.

He sat back down on the couch and decided to text his brother back before he freaked out and thought Gerard had done something drastic.

I'm fine,exhausted and a bit down but I promise I will let you know if I start feeling worse.-G

It was a total lie of course,but he didn't care.

Exactly 23 minuets later,during which Gerard spent his time basically drowning himself with a bottle of Brandy,there was a sharp knock on his door.

He recognized Bert's knock and quickly flung the door open.

"Hey,"Bert smirked slyly.

Gerard just opened the door wider and let him into the apartment.

The mental hospital actually paid for it because he 'wasn't stable'.

He wasn't complaining. 

At least he didn't live with that bitch anymore.

"Alright here's a dime of weed and this-"He revealed a plastic baggy with a familiar white substance in it."-This is high quality so be careful with it."

Gerard took the bags from him and set it on the coffee table.

''What were you talking about wanting me to try?"Gerard asked narrowing his eyes at Bert wanting to just get this over with.

The sooner he was alone,the sooner he could forget everything.

"Well.....look man I know your all against needles and shit-"

"No."Gerard hissed venomously at the word needles.

He was fucking terrified of needles.

Bert raised his hands in defense.


They fell into a silence during which Bert studied the man before him with a thoughtful look.

"You've had a bad day huh?"

Gerard just clenched his jaw muttering,"Iv had a bad life."

Bert nodded in understanding though he didn't know what Gerard had gone threw,he knew life fucked everyone up in some sort of way.

"Look.....I'll leave this here,"He pulled a vial with a liquid drug in it and set a needle down on the table next to it.

"You don't HAVE to take it....but it's there as a option alright?Its free."

Gerard hesitated but gave in.

He wouldn't use it.

But if it would shut Bert up then whatever.

Gerard handed him a $20 bill and Bert went on his way probably to go sell some more drugs to other fucked up people.

Gerard locked his front door before returning to his position on the couch.

The rest of his night was a dazed of snorting.

-Wow....I feel bad writing this.Poor Gee.So...Frankies moving back to Jersey at least :) Oh and any guesses about that little boy?-ChemicalSkeleton

I'll Keep Believing:Frerard:~Sequel to Born To Lose~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz