Chapter 19: "Departure to the Island!"

Start from the beginning

"Well, I'm off then." Sinbad says as he grabs his go bag.

"To that arena?" Hinahoho asks.

"It starts in three days, so I've gotta hurry." Sinbad says, "I'll be back as soon as the match is over. I'm counting on you 'till then."

"Sure. Leave it to me. Be careful and come back in one piece." Hinahoho says.

"Nah... If it's Sinbad he'll definitely be fine. He's fought us with his bare hands." Vittel says.

"He's fought all sorts of people and monsters before, so I don't have any worries about his fighting ability... I just worry that in the middle of things a woman might catch his eye and cause him to lose everything." Hinahoho says.

"Even I keep my public and private affairs separate, Hinahoho." Sinbad says.

"Oh really?" Hinahoho says and points at Annalise who was looking down. Sinbad blushes.

"That's different." Sinbad says.

"I'm going with you." Annalise says as a bag is dropped at their feet.

"Wait just a minute, Sin." Jafar says, "I'm going as well."

"Jafar? What about work?" Sinbad asks.

"I've already given out all my instructions regarding work. Everything else can be handled by our excellent employees. It's not a problem." Jafar says.

"But this isn't the type of trip you need to accompany me on." Sinbad says.

"No, it really is." Jafar says, "Annalise follows you every where and you'll need someone to look after her while you're fighting. And let's not forget that this whole incident happened because I wasn't paying close enough attention to what those around us were saying."

"Uh..." Annalise says.

"You entered enemy territory alone with Annalise and accepted this ridiculous match. Just what do you plan to do if it's a trap? You're too egotistical! Just think about how the rest of feel!" Jafar scolds causing Sinbad to smile, "What? Is there something strange about that?"

"Ha-ha, you have changed a bit. That part of you is exactly the same as it was the day we met. You're the only on that sees the bad things about me, the things I dislike about myself, and tells me about them so frankly. It's because I have someone like you around that I can be sure that someone other than Annalise is watching my back for me." Sinbad says and places his hand on Jafar's shoulder, "Thank... Jafar."

"Th-That's just a natural part of a subordinate's job! More importantly, if something happens during the sword match, what do you intend to do about it? Being left without the head of the company is no laughing matter, is it?" Jafar asks as he blushes.

"I said I'll be fine. I don't plan to lose when it's Annalise's freedom as stake. You don't need to worry but... just in case... I'll leave behind a plan for the future. Right? To put someone in charge temporarily, let's discuss it and decide together. Wouldn't someone like Rurumu be good? She's got a good grip on things." Sinbad says.

"ha-ha-ha-ha! She might just be better in charge than you." Hinahoho says.

"What? Wait just a minute!" Vittel says, "I'm here because Sinbad and Annalise are here! I can't image this company without you two! So please don't say such careless things!"

"Vittel..." Sinbad says a bit shocked.

"Vittel, Sinbad is just joking around. There is one thing that is true. When it's come to protecting me, he's always been the best at it. This is just another stepping stone for him to face on the road to securing... our future." Annalise says as she begins to blush.

"But... you two..." Vittel says.

"Hmph! You have the devil's luck as always, Sinbad." A voice says and they look over.

"You're..." Sinbad says.

"Princess Serendine." Annalise says.

"Being kidnapped by a business rival... moreover a female trader isn't that just like you and your company? With that lewd look on your face, she probably seduced you too didn't she? How deplorable... where's your humility as the leader of the company? Even that worthless Fanalis couldn't stop you." Serendine says.

"Princess, that's not what—" Jafar and Annalise begin to say in unison.

"Well?" Serendine asks.

"She's the same as always... Let's get going before this turns into something trouble-some, Sin." Jafar says and Sin walks towards Serendine.

"Sin?" Annalise asks.

"Young Lady. I get Annalise... but what I don't understand is your anger towards Annalise when she did nothing. Could it be that you are jealous? Oh... I see now. Even though you say you hate me." Sinbad says before he lowers his voice, "If I wasn't already deeply in love with Annalise... I'd be impressed by this cute side of yours."

"W-What are you saying? I don't—that's ridiculous!" Serendine says.

"But you were waiting here just to see me off, weren't you? Even if you won't admit it, I can tell that it's true. What's more surprising is that there's a leaf in your hair. I wonder just how long you were here waiting for me. I have to say I respect that, but again, if I wasn't already in love... I'd be happier about it. But it wouldn't be good for you to catch a cold waiting out here." Sinbad says.

"You two are in love..." Serendine says.

"Yes, which is why I'm going to win. I'm going to save up enough money so that if we ever run into the man who bought her so many years ago, I can buy her freedom. I refuse to let the woman I love return to slavery." Sinbad says and then looks over at Annalise who stood listening with a deep blush on her face, "Alright... Let's go."

"R-Right!" Annalise says and she and Jafar walk after him.

"The three of them... with how Annalise treat Jafar as her son... They look like..." Hinahoho says.

"A family." Vittel says.

[Three Days Later]

"A-Amazing! This is... this is... the headquarters of the Mariadel company? Ria Venus Island?" Jafar asks.

[Mariadel Company, SpecialAdministrative District, 'Ria Venus Island']    

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