Mystery Of Love

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Athena's POV

"Please stop hurting me" I winced in pain my stepfather and mother were beating me to a pulp. bruises were surely forming with every hit, and a chunk of my hair was pulled by my mother. I was forced to look into her blue yes they held so much hatred in them, "now you little b**ch go out and make us some money" she yelled they both left my "room".

Quietly sobbing I made my way to the bathroom. My stomach was aching it felt a burning sensation. My trembling finger gripped the hem of my shirt. Slowly lifting it in disgust my stomach was a mess a big portion was this disgusting blue and purple color. Yup, that's going to take a while to heal. I stared back into the broken mirror my eyes were swollen and filled with tears. What did I do to deserve this? I head into my room to get ready for this dreadful day.

Excitedly I got dressed in a beautiful white dress that I had secretly bought a couple of days ago from this really cute small shop in town. God if my parents knew I had kept money from them I would be dead...... literally.

Walking straight past them doing the most to ignore their burning gazes. I headed to my job, which might I add I love. I babysit kids, gosh they're just so cute and playful. 

Curently Im babysitting a small boy named Aiden Carrington, Oh my gosh he's the sweetest baby ever. Walking down the street towards Mrs. Carrington's house I couldn't help but feel as if someone was staring straight at me.  I looked around and saw no one looking strange I thought. 

Finally reaching the recognizable steps of Mrs. Carrington's house, and making my way up I couldn't shake off the icky feeling of someone watching me. I softly knocked on the door. "coming" said a a muffled voice. Mrs. Carrignton finally opened the door, she was a beautiful woman in her late thirties. 

"good morning, thank goodness you're  here Athena, Aiden has been fussy all morning" Mrs. Carrignton breathed out 

" Good morning Mrs. Carrignton, No worries Aiden won't be fussy when you come back, I'll take great care of him." I smiled

"Thank you Athena you're truly an angel, George just left for work and I'm heading out too. Is it too much to ask if you could stop by the grocery store to prepare Aiden's food I seem to run out of everything this morning," she said 

" I don't mind at all miss" I replied Mrs Carrignton worked at a law firm so she's always really busy. 

"Thank you, here's my card I have to head out I'll see you in the evening" She grabbed her bag and waved goodbye to Aiden and me.  

headed to the kitchen where little Aiden was sitting playing with his toy cars. 

"Tina me hungry" Adien smiled and I gently picked him up from the ground "Alright let's go to the supermarket and make some pancakes'' I laughed "Okie Dokie" Adíen laughed 

we headed out to the store. As we walked to the store I felt eyes cautiously staring at me it was giving me the same icky feeling. I tightened my grasp on Aiden small hand just in case.

Xavier's POV 
"Oh you're a dead man Marcus, do you know just how much fucking money you just lost me "
I yelled pathetic

S-s-sir I'm so sorry, it was a mistake. The men are currently looking for the lost shipment, but as of now we h-h-have no leads to w-where it is." He cried out, god could he look any more pathetic? I pulled my gun from it. my waistband and shot him "This is what mistakes get you, boys, make multiple mistakes, and not only will you but your loved one will be lying in a pool of blood. Im I understood." I yelled at them they need to learn that this is no game they're playing with fire.

"Ryder get the fucking car ready and clean this place up this shit reeks" I  ordered

wake out of the warehouse, getting into a blacked-out escalade. I headed towards the city to go to my office. Managing all these businesses is starting to irk me. I know I need to keep these squeaky clean businesses to mask my mafia business. 

taking a cigarette out of my pocket I lit it up staring at the countless people walking by through the window. Then suddenly the world is moving in slow motion and everything blurs. Focusing on an angel with long brown locks, a small figure, and wearing a white dress. All she needed was a pair of wings and I'd be truly convinced Angels existed. 

Suddenly I  look around and see men old disgusting men staring at her.  These fucking assholes are getting what's coming for looking at this angle with those disgusting eyes of theirs. Of course, this girl was oblivious to all of them because of course she was. Walking further down she entered the grocery store. What I failed to notice was the child she was holding on to, wait a minute could she be a mother? There was no fucking way in hell that she was a mother she looked too young and innocent. Did she even have one? boyfriend? The thought of her having a boyfriend pissed me off.

She seems to care for the child a lot maybe she is the mother, suddenly my mind wanders off on how she would look with a round belly having good swings, and craving the weirdest food combinations.  What the hell Im I thinking, I guess I didn't sleep well last night. 

Deep down all I wanted was to cradle her in my arms and protect her from this shitty world. Lock her up in a cage and spend hours admiring her. Only I would look at her beauty. I would die for her I would kill for her. Give her the moon and the stars if she asks.

"Stop this fucking car now" I yelled at the driver "B-but s-sir we're in the middle of the busy road I c-c-can't stop the car here?  he quietly said. "Did I fucking stutter idiot stop this car or I'll put a bullet through your head" I yelled placing my hand on my gun. 

A-a-alright sir" he finally parked the car right next to the store where the lane was red but I could give two shits if they say anything. I need to see her, I think I'd die if I didn't 't see her. 

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