"Where are you going?" Jacob asked.
"To get clothes and maybe take a shower," I answered. Jacob stood up. I tried to ignore the fact that my gorgeous mate was standing in front of me naked. "Can I join you? Although I think I have a suggestion," Jacob said.
"Forget the clothes," Jacob said walking up to me and grabbing my hips so he could pull me to him, "And let's take a shower." I rolled my eyes but still loving the idea.

The rest of the night, Jacob wouldn't leave me alone. He either hit on me to try and get me to mate with him again or would hang around me like a leech. I understand he's an Alpha- then again I'm one too- and usually Alphas have the problem where they're like children and everything is theirs and someone else can't touch it and blah blah blah, but I was starting to suffocate with no room to breath.

"I think I'll head over to Nathan and Alicia's," I told Jacob as I slid a blue sweatshirt over my head. Jacob walked into the living room, slurping on a pop. "At one o'clock in the morning?" Jacob asked.
"I would have seen her earlier but I was," I glanced up and down Jacob, "... occupied." Jacob smirked. "I'm sorry I kept you busy," Jacob said clearly not meaning it. I shrugged it off. "So it's okay?" I asked. I felt like a teen who was asking her dad to date some guy. "Depends," Jacob stated.
"On what?" I asked placing a hand on my hip.
"Will you come back?" Jacob asked. I knew what he meant. His face said it all, he was worried.

"I'm not going to leave you, Jacob. I love you," I assured him.
"You know I would believe you if you didn't run off with that Rogue," Jacob told me.
"Her name is Harley," I corrected walking over to him.
"And the snowman is Olaf, so what?" Jacob replied. I sat down next to him on the couch. "I actually thought the snowman was Frosty," I said.
"What century do you live in?" Jacob asked teasingly. I hugged his waist. "I won't leave. Besides their house is in the pack territory. It's not like I'm visiting Scott and Emma," I said.
"And it's not like you put me through hell," Jacob replied. I sighed. "Jacob..."
"Astrid..." He was mocking me. "Why do you have to be so difficult?"
"Because you're my mate."
"Point taken, but I'm still seeing them." I kissed Jacob's cheek before getting up and leaving through the front door.

I walked through the breezy night/morning air wondering if Alicia and Nathan were even awake. "What are you doing?" a too familiar voice asked. I looked over to a tree where Harley was leaning against it. "You're still awake?" I asked as she made her way over to me.
"I don't exactly sleep in other pack's territories," Harley said.
"Oh yeah, you're a Rogue. So why are you here still? I thought you were just dropping me off," I asked. Harley shrugged. "I do as I please," Harley stated.
"I still think you should reconsider on my offer. The pack life isn't that bad. Besides, you'd be friends with the Alpha," I said rubbing my elbow against hers. She looked over at me with a smirk. "Yeah well the other Alpha, your high and mighty mate and I don't exactly get along," Harley told me.

"That doesn't mean I can't convince him," I replied.
"You guys had sex when you went back to the house didn't you?" Harley asked changing the subject.
"What?" I asked with the blood rushing to my face.
"Please, what mate wouldn't have sex with their other half if they've been missing," Harley scoffed.
"Did you and Hank ever-"
"No. And we never will. If he ever wanted to it's long gone. Our relationship if you want to call it that is history."
"Have you talked with Derek?" I asked spotting Alicia and Nathan's house.
"No. Why would I want to talk to him?"
"Because he's your brother."
"Half brother." I rolled my eyes, like it made a difference. "Yeah, half brother. But you guys still are family. You're his only family left and he's your only family left."
"What's your point?" I sighed. "Maybe you should get to know him."
"Just because I might have family that's apart of that deadbeat father of mine doesn't mean I have to be in contact with them."
"You don't have to be so harsh about it."
"I don't need anybody remember, Astrid? I tried to let my mate in and he rejected me. It was the last straw. I can't have people breaking my heart repeatedly."
"That's kinda impossible because yours is made of steel."
"I'm glad you got back to your pack safely," Harley hissed. She turned around and headed to the forest, in the direction where our territory ended.

I mind linked her. I'm sorry, I whispered.
Me too, she replied.
Could you at least stay for a little while and get the feel of the pack. We could use another strong headed girl like you around, I said.
I'll think about it, Harley told me.
And at least try to talk to Derek? I asked.
I'll think about it, Harley repeated.

I stopped and looked up at Alicia and Nathan's house. Are you awake? I asked Alicia. No response. So I asked Nathan. Yeah, jut getting a drink, Nathan said.
Will you let me in? I asked.
Sure, Nathan answered. Soon enough, the door opened up and Nathan stood in the doorway; shirtless with easy access to see his abs. The great thing about being a werewolf is that about every guy had abs. Thank God for that. "Where have you been?" Nathan asked.
"Long story. I was just gone for a while and thought I could stop by," I said. Nathan raised his eyebrow. "At 1:15 in the morning?" he asked. I rolled my eyes. "Fine, if you don't want my company the I'll-"
"No, it's fine. But Alicia's asleep," Nathan told me.
"I know I tried mind linking her," I replied.
"So, would you like to explain where you've been?" Nathan asked adjusting himself so he was leaning against the doorway. This time it was my turn to raise an eyebrow. "Who are you, my father?" I asked.
"Maybe," Nathan teased. I rolled my eyes. "Oh daddy dear you know you're still number one!" I sang. Nathan laughed. "Don't go all Cyndi Lauper on me, Astrid," he told me.
"Just let me in," I said walking into the house.

Sorry if it's long! I thought this chapter would be a little cute chapter with Jacob and Astrid. And do you think Harley will stay with the pack after hanging for a while or leave and keep her Rogue ways? I'm curious to know. Also do you think she'll ever find love again? Do you have any ideas of who it could be or who you will ship her with? I'm also starting to work on her story!! It's called Harley's Way! If anyone would like to make a cover for that story you are more than welcome to! Just PM me!

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